Let's me think........
I've read the KJV,
Genesis 1:1 to
Revelation 22:21, twice, and have typed every word of the KJV two times... first time, double spaced, single-sided
(4,385 pages, & it takes seven 3 inch, 3 ring binders to contain them all), and the second time, single spaced, double-sided (907 pages for the Old Testament & 286 pages for the New Testament, both contained in one 3 inch 3 ring binder). BTW... I've never had a single typing class in my entire life... still continue to employ the ole "seek and ye shall find method." Both times typing the entire Bible took me about 6 months of daily typing at every available opportunity.
My reason for typing it was because I was searching for an answer to something I deemed extremely crucial. Nope! Never found it either time. I located it at 10:30 PM, Saturday evening, September 16, 1996 when in frustration I opened my Bible, laid it on my desk & begged God to give me the answer! Bingo! The first verse I read, and there it was. Ain't it simply amazing what God makes a fellow go thru to get an answer to a question? But, I must say, it was all worth it, and I would not hesitate to do it again if necessary. Guess God wanted to see my faith, huh?
I must say though, I seem to get more when I conduct a word, or doctrine subject matter search of the Bible, than I do by simply reading it. And to aid me in my understanding of the things I read I always keep a concordance and a large dictionary close by. And I also use other versions as well, and own just about every translation ever published. I like to do comparative studies when I am seeking for an answer to a particular matter.
My favorite Bible has a cardboard backing, wrapped in black duct tape! Nothing pretty to look at, but it contains so many hand-written "footnotes" I don't know how I could do a serious study without it. It also happens to be the one I always take to church with me, along with a small pad and pencil so I can take notes and do further research afterwards. Just trying to "test the spirits"! Can't be anything wrong with that, huh?
I do truly love God's written Word! In fact, my favorite scriptural passage is
Jeremiah 15:16 - "Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name O LORD God of hosts."