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04-23-2010, 09:29 AM
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Location: DeWitt, Arkansas
Posts: 13
Mechanical Church?
As a young man being raised in church all of my life and with over 17 years of ministry, I have seen many of our churches transition into a mechanical style of worship. In doing this, many of us have lost the anointing, and the spirit of the Lord is not vibrantly moving among us. The reason for a lot of this "mechanical" worship is because we have stopped praying, fasting, and seeking the face of God. This has brought in a carnal approach to worship and church. What are your thoughts on these issues. Do you think many of our churches are taking a turn to carnality, or are we as spiritual as we have always been?

04-23-2010, 09:29 PM
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Posts: 21
Re: Mechanical Church?
Lot of them are teaching what was handed down to them..if somebody comes along and has something diffferent then it is not truth because it is not found in the manual

04-24-2010, 08:30 AM
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Re: Mechanical Church?
Originally Posted by MonoTheist
Lot of them are teaching what was handed down to them..if somebody comes along and has something diffferent then it is not truth because it is not found in the manual 
To some degree I agree with you. I believe we can preach and old time message to a relevent generation, and in doing so, we sometimes change our style and methods. Sometimes in change there are always those that will not be able to adapt.

04-24-2010, 09:42 AM
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Re: Mechanical Church?
being raised in church myself ,sine about 8 yrs old , 51 now ..
i have seen this alot over the last 20 yrs ,,,,
in the 70;s it didnt take anything to get folks out of their seats ,worshipping god ,tears flowing or a praise coming from thier lips .
now though my bro . i doubt many of these folks dont think they should now . thats just wild emoition. and they live any old way , just love JESUS or say you do ,go to church ,when you feel like it ,and everything willbe ok.
thank god there are still some that seek his face with passion ,,still fast,cry out ..study his word for a deeper walk ,but have not forgotten the fire they were brought up in ..
PRIDE HAS BEEN A MAJOR FACTOR I FEAR ,or even a greater risk to the kingdom ,they have a greater knowledge that theres no need for that any more.
GIVE ME THAT OLD TIME RELIGION ,,,,,and brother if you wants some old time worship ,come see us anytime .!I WILL NEVER LET IT DIE!GIFTS IN USE ,,A BODY MOVEMENT. every now and then we do a month fast ,giving up various things for different reasons ,, lord bless ya.

04-25-2010, 01:50 PM
Loren Adkins
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Re: Mechanical Church?
Pastor Rick
You sound a lot like me I was raised in UPCI almost from birth holy ghost filled at 7 I too am 51, Much like you I have seen many things come and go. I too have been in the ministry more like 30 years was licensed in early 20's. Where as you still comform to man made religious government common in most churches I do not see things in the same light.
But here is the way I have come to see things, people talk about how moved in a service because there was a lot of shouting running the iales etc. I see the move of God when he comes down and touches me in a special way. Not neccesaraly in the shout. See Worshipand praise in my estimation is not where we are to find God that is to be what we do because of what God has done in our life, and because we love him. We meet God in our prayer and fasting times day to day this is where our strength comes from. When we have a true relationship with God.
The question then should be why do we come to church? To give God the praise in a corporate setting with others of like faith? Or just because this is what is preached? It should not matter how the worship conducted as long as it is not a production or forced or driven (cheer leading) but is done in a way that everyone can worship and praise God from the heart.
I know this because I have first hand knowledge as a worship leader for ten years in the church we were assosiate ministers in.
Study the word with and open heart For if you do, Truth Will Prevail

04-25-2010, 02:00 PM
Loren Adkins
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Kennewick Wa
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Re: Mechanical Church?
Originally Posted by Mike Matos
As a young man being raised in church all of my life and with over 17 years of ministry, I have seen many of our churches transition into a mechanical style of worship. In doing this, many of us have lost the anointing, and the spirit of the Lord is not vibrantly moving among us. The reason for a lot of this "mechanical" worship is because we have stopped praying, fasting, and seeking the face of God. This has brought in a carnal approach to worship and church. What are your thoughts on these issues. Do you think many of our churches are taking a turn to carnality, or are we as spiritual as we have always been?
Personaly I think too many legalistic churches have lost the true meaning of worship and holiness. And have become phariseical in the way they conduct services and serve God. It is all about show and little because of what God has done for you. More infisis is placed on how one looks than truely getting to know God on a personal basis. In the last six years I have been in many denominal and non denominal churches that from the first song the people are on their feet with their hands in the air in worship and praise. And we are talking about hundreds of people at a time. Most don't know the ones accross the room from them but they are there for one reason to praise and worship God for what he has done for them.
There was a time the denominal churches could have learned from us now is the time we could learn from them. Just remember we are all serving the same God even though our understanding of his Godhead may not be the same.
Study the word with and open heart For if you do, Truth Will Prevail

04-25-2010, 03:14 PM
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Re: Mechanical Church?
just proves some stay in the truth some err. godsdrummer.
where i am far from ordinary or a legalist ,,,i know there is way a highway of holiness to walk in. i know ,god in his love and in the power of his ressurection.
i know god moves in our church and folks get beside thereself with praise and worship and i am proud of it .
hey if you want to sit there and wait a a still small voice thats good too. maybe i wont wake you as i run past !

04-25-2010, 07:34 PM
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Re: Mechanical Church?
Originally Posted by Godsdrummer
Personaly I think too many legalistic churches have lost the true meaning of worship and holiness. And have become phariseical in the way they conduct services and serve God. It is all about show and little because of what God has done for you. More infisis is placed on how one looks than truely getting to know God on a personal basis. In the last six years I have been in many denominal and non denominal churches that from the first song the people are on their feet with their hands in the air in worship and praise. And we are talking about hundreds of people at a time. Most don't know the ones accross the room from them but they are there for one reason to praise and worship God for what he has done for them.
There was a time the denominal churches could have learned from us now is the time we could learn from them. Just remember we are all serving the same God even though our understanding of his Godhead may not be the same.
Godsdrummer, I wonder what the praise and worship was like when Jesus was preaching the Sermon on The Mount? If it was so important I wonder why we don't have more detail of the shouting and running and emotional responses in His times of teaching? Just wondering!
Been Thinkin
"From the time you're born, 'til you ride in the hearse, there ain't nothing bad that couldn't be worse!"
LIFE: Some days you're the dog and some days you're the hydrant!
I have ... Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia! The fear of long words.
"Prediction is very hard, especially about the future." - Yogi Berra
"I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave in reflection." - Thomas Paine

04-25-2010, 07:45 PM
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 2,351
Re: Mechanical Church?
Interesting thread. I believe much deeper things are the result of this "Transition". It's easy to say people are carnal or lukewarm, but IMO, a quick and honest analysis of our Church Model can yield the truth.
After 31 years of being in this movement, I have observed this generational transition. We can clearly see, the young today are focused on the Celebrity styles of Religion, and WE have done this to them. Giving men praise, which includes the Ministry, music, and the biggest churches, young people have grown to love the show and the stage.
I have pastored for 14 years, and finding people who will sacrafice for God's Work has been overrun by those who don't want to help the small and insignificant. It's gotta be big, or nothing. I don't believe the dryness of our services is the result of being carnal or not praying enough, it's due to our model of past extremism and exalting the limelight.
But like I said, Bro, we've whet their appetite with this. We are at fault, not those coming up behind us. Our hype and over emotional past is coming back to bite us. Learning to stay during the Dark Valley of change or deep trial has lost it's meaning and purpose, causing our young people to run after blessings and the halo's of Religion.
I find it strange that so many young men and women have no desire to start families. I'm puzzled at how long people are remaining single, avoiding this important commitment that teaches better than any school, church, or job. Being married, raising children, and enduring the many woes of being committed to a spouse and family will give people the staying power to serve God with duty, rather than emotion.
Just some of my thoughts.

04-25-2010, 07:50 PM
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Join Date: Dec 2009
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Re: Mechanical Church?
Originally Posted by NotforSale
Interesting thread. I believe much deeper things are the result of this "Transition". It's easy to say people are carnal or lukewarm, but IMO, a quick and honest analysis of our Church Model can yield the truth.
After 31 years of being in this movement, I have observed this generational transition. We can clearly see, the young today are focused on the Celebrity styles of Religion, and WE have done this to them. Giving men praise, which includes the Ministry, music, and the biggest churches, young people have grown to love the show and the stage.
I have pastored for 14 years, and finding people who will sacrafice for God's Work has been overrun by those who don't want to help the small and insignificant. It's gotta be big, or nothing. I don't believe the dryness of our services is the result of being carnal or not praying enough, it's due to our model of past extremism and exalting the limelight.
But like I said, Bro, we've whet their appetite with this. We are at fault, not those coming up behind us. Our hype and over emotional past is coming back to bite us. Learning to stay during the Dark Valley of change or deep trial has lost it's meaning and purpose, causing our young people to run after blessings and the halo's of Religion.
I find it strange that so many young men and women have no desire to start families. I'm puzzled at how long people are remaining single, avoiding this important commitment that teaches better than any school, church, or job. Being married, raising children, and enduring the many woes of being committed to a spouse and family will give people the staying power to serve God with duty, rather than emotion.
Just some of my thoughts.
 Good thoughts!
"From the time you're born, 'til you ride in the hearse, there ain't nothing bad that couldn't be worse!"
LIFE: Some days you're the dog and some days you're the hydrant!
I have ... Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia! The fear of long words.
"Prediction is very hard, especially about the future." - Yogi Berra
"I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave in reflection." - Thomas Paine
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