This is why I am opposing Democrats and Obama and why I may register for the first time as a Republican. They drive up the debt far higher than it was under Bush, implement a Healthcare system we can't pay for so what did you think was next?
Acknowledging it would be a highly unpopular move, White House economic adviser Paul Volcker said Tuesday the United States should consider imposing a "value-added tax" similar to those charged in Europe to help get the deficit under control.
A value-added tax is a national sales tax that, like state and city sales taxes, would be collected by retailers.
"If, at the end of the day, we need to raise taxes, we should raise taxes," he said.
He also said that Congress might also have to consider new taxes on carbon and energy.
Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
Painful moments, TRUST GOD.
Every moment, THANK GOD.
Once they get it done, they will get to call republicans and their tax cuts for the rich the party of wealth redistrubition... won't that be a day
I can promise you, you won't see a cent of any "redistribution" nor will I.
Who got the 700 billion?
Did they use it to hire or keep on employees?
No, they used it to stay afloat.
What a farce. The only real, tangible difference between the democrats and republicans is the logo. Every thing else is smoke, mirrors and misdirection that makes all us peons believe we actually have a choice.
The people who really run the show are the same people who threw "we the people" off a cliff 60 years ago.
Nothing changes and as long as a massive, overblown bureaucracy sits astride the beltway... nothing will.
Nope, I don't like Obama, didn't like bush and probably won't like Newt or anyone else who isn't a third party or independent. Because all it really is is the same old cart pulled by the same old horses (that would be "We the People") with a new driver traveling down a road that has already been paved for him and guardrails in place to ensure he doesn't veer an inch.
Hows that for cynical.
Last edited by John Atkinson; 04-08-2010 at 10:11 AM.
I can promise you, you won't see a cent of any "redistribution" nor will I.
Who got the 700 billion?
Did they use it to hire or keep on employees?
No, they used it to stay afloat.
What a farce. The only real, tangible difference between the democrats and republicans is the logo. Every thing else is smoke, mirrors and misdirection that makes all us peons believe we actually have a choice.
The people who really run the show are the same people who threw "we the people" off a cliff 60 years ago.
Nothing changes and as long as a massive, overblown bureaucracy sits astride the beltway... nothing will.
Nope, I don't like Obama, didn't like bush and probably won't like Newt or anyone else who isn't a third party or independent. Because all it really is is the same old cart pulled by the same old horses (that would be "We the People") with a new driver traveling down a road that has already been paved for him and guardrails in place to ensure he doesn't veer an inch.
Hows that for cynical.
If a corporation was considering cutting 100 jobs to stay afloat and after receiving bailout funds they only had to cut 50 jobs to stay afloat. In this example, 50 people still have jobs with said corporation who wouldn't have jobs without the bailout. Could it not be said that the bailout saved jobs?
If a corporation was considering cutting 100 jobs to stay afloat and after receiving bailout funds they only had to cut 50 jobs to stay afloat. In this example, 50 people still have jobs with said corporation who wouldn't have jobs without the bailout. Could it not be said that the bailout saved jobs?
That only works if said corporation is producing a product or service that requires those 50 people to be employed, in some cases perhaps it did, in others it might not have.
20 be fair I am sure some of that funnled into unemployment benefits that did keep families afloat.
Two thoughts here, probably should be two separate posts but I'll go ahead and combine them.
1. National sales tax
I'm surprised that hasn't been put in place years ago. It affects everyone who purchases anything. It can be applied to both goods and services. Several years ago we had a man cutting our grass and he informed us one year that the law in Ohio had changed and he now had to charge us tax for cutting our grass because services were now being taxed.
2. A national sales tax would be consistent with the trend to a stronger central federal government and a weakening of the authority of local state governments. The founders of this country envisioned a loose confederation of sovereign states who would join together for a common defense and some services. The 10th amendment to the Constitution set this up. Under President Abraham Lincoln the 10th amendment suffered irrevocable damage and it has been all but killed by an ever increasing federal government.
Sam also known as Jim Ellis
Apostolic in doctrine
Pentecostal in experience
Charismatic in practice
Non-denominational in affiliation
Inter-denominational in fellowship
If a corporation was considering cutting 100 jobs to stay afloat and after receiving bailout funds they only had to cut 50 jobs to stay afloat. In this example, 50 people still have jobs with said corporation who wouldn't have jobs without the bailout. Could it not be said that the bailout saved jobs?
several hundred BILLION dollars to save 50 jobs is a rip off. Then they gave huge bonuses to their CEOs
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There is One God. This one God reveals Himself distinctly as Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
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That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
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