I've been doing some reading about our Founding Fathers and it was mentioned on a few occasions that a handfull of them were Freemasons. Here is a list I got off the internet regarding Presidents and Founding Fathers who were Freemasons:
Buchanan, James
Ford, Gerald R.
Garfield, James A.
Harding, Warren G.
Jackson, Andrew
Johnson, Andrew
Johnson, Lyndon B.
McKinley, William
Monroe, James
Polk, James Knox
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Roosevelt, Theodore
Taft, William Howard
Truman, Harry S.
Washington, George
Franklin, Benjamin - 1 of 13 Masonic signers of Constitution of the U.S.
Hancock, John - 1of 9 Masonic signers of Declaration of Independence
Revere, Paul
Jones, John Paul
Otis, James
King, Rufus
Baron von Steuben
Warren, Joseph
Arnold, Benedict
Many of these men were notable men of Christian character and Christian faith. Yet I've noticed that most ministers I know would view joining the Freemasons as a no-no. In fact the UPCI Articles of Faith read:
According to the Word of God, we firmly believe and hold that the people of God should have no connection whatever with secret socieities or any other organization or body wherein there is a fellowship with unbelievers, bound by an oath (James 5:12; II Corinthians 6:14-18).
Why is this? We may freely join the military, police force, etc. and become bound by oath with unbelievers... in fact often serving at an unbeliever's behest. To me it makes little sense.
Please share your thoughts on this.
Has anyone here been a member of the Freemasons?
Do you have friends or family who are Freemasons?
If you were approached by a Freemason regarding possible membership would you look into it?
Freemasonry is of the Devil.
I had an aunt (she died 7 years ago) who when I came into the Church became the grand poohbah (or honoured royal lady) of the OORP & I refused to go to her installation because of that secret society.
I was not a mason , however when I was younger [ teens ] I went to a few demolay meetings I was going to be inducted into demolay , As we were practicing God convicted me. [ I was not Apostolic at the time ] The ceremony was very occultish to me and I never went back . I read books and articles about the masonic rites . It is not Christian even remotly. Satan can transform to an angel of light , Plain and simple in the upper ranks they worship satan.
I was not a mason , however when I was younger [ teens ] I went to a few demolay meetings I was going to be inducted into demolay , As we were practicing God convicted me. [ I was not Apostolic at the time ] The ceremony was very occultish to me and I never went back . I read books and articles about the masonic rites . It is not Christian even remotly. Satan can transform to an angel of light , Plain and simple in the upper ranks they worship satan.
Many of these men were notable men of Christian character and Christian faith. Yet I've noticed that most ministers I know would view joining the Freemasons as a no-no. In fact the UPCI Articles of Faith read:
According to the Word of God, we firmly believe and hold that the people of God should have no connection whatever with secret socieities or any other organization or body wherein there is a fellowship with unbelievers, bound by an oath (James 5:12; II Corinthians 6:14-18).
Why is this? We may freely join the military, police force, etc. and become bound by oath with unbelievers... in fact often serving at an unbeliever's behest. To me it makes little sense.
Please share your thoughts on this.
Has anyone here been a member of the Freemasons?
Do you have friends or family who are Freemasons?
If you were approached by a Freemason regarding possible membership would you look into it?
Thank you for your thoughts and attention.
Aquila, unless things have changed, the UPCI articles of faith stipulate that the UPCI does not believe in violence and thus is against military service as well.
There may (I cant remember) be some caviat that you can be some kind of non-combatant military person, but in general the UPCI stands against military service.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
Aquila, unless things have changed, the UPCI articles of faith stipulate that the UPCI does not believe in violence and thus is against military service as well.
There may (I cant remember) be some caviat that you can be some kind of non-combatant military person, but in general the UPCI stands against military service.
That's true. But I've noticed that the org will look the other way and not make an issue regarding members serving in a combatant capacity. Would they look the other way for a member who was a Mason?
My grandpa and dad were both masons, my grandpa was a very high level mason.
Dad left the masons when he recieved the HG in the 1960s but always stated there was nothing evil about them.
its a bunch of huey.
I've become close to a family who have a number of Masons. They laugh at a lot of the accusations made against them. It was told to me that a secret fraternity will often find outlandish rumors made about them simply because such secrecy often generates suspecion in outsiders. I was told some things about their history and their legendary history. It was a very interesting conversation. I was also told about quite a bit of good they do with charitable giving and their history for standing for human liberty, especially the freedom of religion.
Also, my ex-wife's grandfather was a high level Mason. When he passed away their family gave me his Masonic Bible (a standard KJV with historical notes regarding the Masons). I was told that he'd want me to have it. He and I got a long very well.
Someone asked me two weeks ago if I knew why all their buildings have no windows?
I have no idea.
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Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
Painful moments, TRUST GOD.
Every moment, THANK GOD.