Who here believes in the promises of God? Who here believes that when God says to do something and something great will come to pass that it shall come to pass?
I don't think we need to beg God for what he has promised, because by faith we know he will make a way to fulfill his promise. However, begging is exactly what many pentecostals do while seeking for the Holy Ghost. In fact, I'd even guess that many times they are instructed by their peers to beg God till they get it.
Acts 2:38 God promised the Holy Ghost to those that repent and get baptized. So I ask where is the faith? Will God not keep his promise even if a person never once asks for the Holy Ghost?
I believe that God will. In fact I believe he will so much that I believe if I can find one person that sincerely repented and was baptized in the name of Jesus Christ and never spoke in tongues then that is proof that one can have the Holy Ghost without ever speaking in tongues. I mean God must keep his promises and those are the only two requirements he gave for the Holy Ghost, right? So it stands to reason that any person who does those two things and never speaks in tongues must have had the Holy Ghost.