If your question was in regards to the Apostles being baptized, washing away their sins, calling on the name of the Lord, I'd answer yes. Most likely they were baptized by John via the baptism of repentance.
If your question was in regards to the Apostles being baptizsed with a Jesus name "formula" spoken over them by another, I'd answer probably not.
Water baptism has become of great contention between those who argue for a Jesus name "formula" and those who argue for a Trinitarian "formula". The problem is... both positions are in error. Water baptism was never "formulized". Water baptism was when converts were expected to wash away their sins calling upon the name of the Lord (
Acts 22:16). No formula was necessary, the issue was the believer's calling on the name of the Lord Jesus for the remission of their sins. Both we and the Trinitarians have ceremonialized it into a "formulized" sacrament. Frankly, a believer can be water baptized by a person who doesn't utter a word and if that believer is believing on the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of their sins, their sins are remitted. This means that 100 Trinitarians can be shouting the Trinity formula over a person, but if the believer is believing on the Lord Jesus for the remission of their sins, their sins are remitted. This also means that 100 Apostolic preachers could be shouting the Jesus name formula over a believer, but if that believer isn't believing on the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins the baptism is ineffectual.
Also, while many might disagree, an individual can water baptize themselves while believing upon the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and their sins will be remitted.
The key is the disposition of the individual being water baptized.... not the "formula" spoken over them, be it Jesus name or Trinitarian.
I digress.