Originally Posted by DAII
Your thoughts on ordination as it is describe here:
What say ye?
I've been ordained before in a pentecostal denomination. All I got was a vote, the ability to run for state office, and I had to kitty up 10% of my income to the state denomination along with all the special offerings at every event.
Its overrated. Many of my younger minister friends are covered by their local assemblies. I can think of a half dozen bible college friends who's pastors encourage them
not to join the UPC. Many of their pastors maintain their license to keep the church in the tent, but they really don't encourage their younger ministers to do it because of all the hassle over going in front of a board over standards and the moral dilemma for most of them over the affirmation statement.
One of my good friends former bible college room mates who went UPCI/general license was on the phone with me a week ago and I was teasing him how he didn't have a TV to comply with the affirmation statement but he had all the seasons of Lost and Battlestar Galactica he played on his computer / widescreen monitor.
He honesty said he had no idea why the rules were there anymore in todays day and age of Hulu.com and internet video on demand... but he complied with the rules so as to not be a hypocrite to the letter of the law.
Why would anyone want to get ordained other than to run for office?