nothin like havin a good watchcat around the house
__________________ If you would win a man to your cause, first convince him that you are his sincere friend. Therein is a drop of honey that catches his heart...
Abraham Lincoln
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. - Eph. 4:29
I have (HAD) a cat just like that, brave as anything., with 6digits on one paw, and 7
on the other paw; unfortuneately he's been missing for over a year
He has recently been sighted., apparently someone took him into their home..then when
they recently moved out, he either escaped or they let him & another missing cat
OUT! We are in the process of trying to "catch" him, as he is acting a bit feral now., so we've heard.
THAT cat and two others of ours, were a tag team.
They took on BIG dogs in the neighborhood together, it was quite a sight!
Cats can actually be quite protective of their masters., once they kept a dog away
from me, circling him and taking turns jumping at him, pawing him with their sharp claws!
That dog ran off yelping, LOL!
These wonderful cats of ours all went missing within days of each other,
and we were devastated., only one smaller tabby escaped being caught., and he's
been our only cat this past year or so.
NOW, one "original" may be back, praise GOD!
__________________ You can tell more about people
by what they say about others...than by what others
say about them.
My cat would attack anything on four legs that invaded his turf.
I let him out if he wants out, because he gets so upset if he can't go out; at least if he dies, he'll die happy. He's about 14-15 years old, and front declawed.
He once went after a dog five or six times his size.
He's getting old now and losing some of his agression, but last spring I let him out and a little later heard someone on the front porch. I looked out the window, but didn't see anyone. Finally opened the door... my cat was circling a large racoon, fluffed up and ready to attack.
I wonder sometimes if cats truly comprehend size or height... I'm fairly certain they don't comprehend the idea of "danger", unless it has to do with water!
We had a cat when I was a kid that would climb a tree, jump on the roof of the house, and then jump off the roof. Generally he'd jump to the car and down from there, which was still a pretty good jump. But other cats started fighting him on the roof one night, and one made it from rooftop to ground. He didn't land on his feet, but he kind of bounced off the ground and took off running!
What we make of the Bible will never be as great a thing as what the Bible will - if we let it - make of us.~Rich Mullins
I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.~Galileo Galilei
My cat would attack anything on four legs that invaded his turf.
I let him out if he wants out, because he gets so upset if he can't go out; at least if he dies, he'll die happy. He's about 14-15 years old, and front declawed.
He once went after a dog five or six times his size.
He's getting old now and losing some of his agression, but last spring I let him out and a little later heard someone on the front porch. I looked out the window, but didn't see anyone. Finally opened the door... my cat was circling a large racoon, fluffed up and ready to attack.
I wonder sometimes if cats truly comprehend size or height... I'm fairly certain they don't comprehend the idea of "danger", unless it has to do with water!
We had a cat when I was a kid that would climb a tree, jump on the roof of the house, and then jump off the roof. Generally he'd jump to the car and down from there, which was still a pretty good jump. But other cats started fighting him on the roof one night, and one made it from rooftop to ground. He didn't land on his feet, but he kind of bounced off the ground and took off running!
Cats RULE, now don't they?
At least from THEIR viewpoint., lol
ANimals such as dogs/cats do NOT comprehend SIZE
strength of opponents, they either have FAITH in their capabilities
OR they know how to bluff really well, LOL!!
I also believe that they can see and/or definitely SENSE spirits, and know GOD,
for GOD loves them sooo much, why else would he want soooo many around..
I mean HE lets them have sooo many many litters!! Never a
shortage of cats., which reminds me I gotta go feed my babies-we found
a litter of 4 abandoned kitties which almost froze to death in the nearby
field had we not heard them, yeah GOD gives them super-duper LOURD
voices from such tiny fluffs of fur, which could almost wake the dead!
__________________ You can tell more about people
by what they say about others...than by what others
say about them.
Our cat and the two dogs usually coexist very well. Not real buddy-buddy, but they'll walk by each other without incident. Usually. Lately, the younger dog (just over a year old) has decided to randomly bark at the cat, now and then. Cat just sits there, calmly. Thinks to himself "what's your problem, punk?" or maybe "I wonder what's for dinner". But occasionally, he'll get fed up and whack the dog across the face. (So far, only with sheathed claws. We think.)
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
All I can say is I can relate to that cat. That is what it's like to be me many days. LOL!
__________________ "It is inhumane, in my opinion, to force people who have a genuine medical need for coffee to wait in line behind people who apparently view it as some kind of recreational activity." Dave Barry 2005
I am a firm believer in the Old Paths
Articles on such subjects as "The New Birth," will be accepted, whether they teach that the new birth takes place before baptism in water and Spirit, or that the new birth consists of baptism of water and Spirit. - THE PENTECOSTAL HERALD Dec. 1945
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves