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Old 12-15-2009, 04:33 PM
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Tooth implants

Since we have such a broad spectrum of people, I thought I would see if anyone here has had a tooth implant(s). Has anyone experienced this? What can I expect? How much pain afterwards? Is there a lot of swelling?

I am scheduled for Thursday to get an implant for #7 front tooth... I have been using a flipper and soo..sooo sick of it. I am beside myself that I am actually going to have a decent smile again in about 4 months. I had a cracked root (long story) and lost the tooth last year.

It looks at though I might also have bone grafting done, they won't know for sure until they get in surgery. I am hoping they don't because of the expense.

I have to admit I was a little apprehensive because they said I could be put out if I want to be (extra cost) or put into that drowsy state which is what I chose to do. I thought it probably wouldn't be that painful, but when I think about the fact they are going to put a metal screw into my jaw...well.. how can it not hurt?
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Old 12-15-2009, 04:41 PM
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Re: Tooth implants

I don't know, but wish you the best!! Mom was actually told that it is better when at all possible to be drowsy and not out when a dentist works on you. If you are only drowsy, they tend to be more careful and there tends to be less swelling in various extractions and such. If there were a great chance of severe pain with something, they wouldn't give you the option. If you have a moderate pain tolerance, you should be fine. They may ask about knocking you out not because of the pain but because the sound or the thought of what they are doing can be terrifying to or create nausia in some people.

Again, wish you the best!!
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Old 12-15-2009, 04:55 PM
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Re: Tooth implants

I was supposed to have this done...I would opt for being put under...I had a tooth extracted surgically and I experienced tremendous pain with that. They had to give me more meds during the procedure because I could feel the pain.

I am so happy for you tho that you will have a the smile you've wanted! From someone who has a missing tooth (in back), I understand your elation!!! Good luck! Will pray for you!
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Old 12-15-2009, 05:03 PM
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Re: Tooth implants

My husband had this done years ago. A Boomer, at work, hit him in the face and knocked his two front teeth out. LOL! They broke off at the gum line.

I asked him if the procedure hurt and he said, "No." But, he always says that about everything. After all, he's a man. It's not supposed to hurt.

Last edited by Pressing-On; 12-15-2009 at 05:06 PM.
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Old 12-15-2009, 05:05 PM
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Re: Tooth implants

Originally Posted by missourimary View Post
I don't know, but wish you the best!! Mom was actually told that it is better when at all possible to be drowsy and not out when a dentist works on you. If you are only drowsy, they tend to be more careful and there tends to be less swelling in various extractions and such. If there were a great chance of severe pain with something, they wouldn't give you the option. If you have a moderate pain tolerance, you should be fine. They may ask about knocking you out not because of the pain but because the sound or the thought of what they are doing can be terrifying to or create nausia in some people.

Again, wish you the best!!
Thanks.. I thought about the fact they might offer to be put out because of the thought of what they are doing. I plan on asking someone I know who takes nerve pills for one and take a half one before I go in...and I will go with Vicodine to take as I leave... I'm not waiting till I get to the pharmacy... LOL

I don't have a problem with someone working on my teeth/in my mouth and have had two root canals trying to save that tooth. I don't have an issue with the needles, I just think of it as they are doing what they have to do... but have to admit am a little apprehensive about this, but also sooo excited!
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Old 12-15-2009, 05:07 PM
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Re: Tooth implants

Mom and dad wouldn't have admitted it if they were in pain, either. Dad's family was the old fashioned type that actually thought tooth extraction involved a chair in the kitchen and a pair of plyers. But they've had a combine total of over 10 teeth pulled, and mom left the dentist office and immediately went and ordered a McDonalds shake. My family is weird.
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Old 12-15-2009, 05:08 PM
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Re: Tooth implants

Originally Posted by missourimary View Post
Mom and dad wouldn't have admitted it if they were in pain, either. Dad's family was the old fashioned type that actually thought tooth extraction involved a chair in the kitchen and a pair of plyers. But they've had a combine total of over 10 teeth pulled, and mom left the dentist office and immediately went and ordered a McDonalds shake. My family is weird.
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Old 12-15-2009, 05:08 PM
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Re: Tooth implants

LOL! I am a man and get sick and can't sleep two days prior to getting a shot!

Man was not made for pain.

Good luck Lisa, you will be fine!
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Old 12-15-2009, 05:11 PM
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Re: Tooth implants

If you've had two root canals, did you have those under local? If so, this shouldn't be much different, I'd think.
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Old 12-15-2009, 05:11 PM
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Re: Tooth implants

Originally Posted by GraceAmazing View Post
I was supposed to have this done...I would opt for being put under...I had a tooth extracted surgically and I experienced tremendous pain with that. They had to give me more meds during the procedure because I could feel the pain.

I am so happy for you tho that you will have a the smile you've wanted! From someone who has a missing tooth (in back), I understand your elation!!! Good luck! Will pray for you!
Oh, I am happy... been waiting on this for a long while. I have cried more over this tooth than I should have, lose a front tooth as a woman and you just about die. I have been very cautious of who I smiled at... lol I hate the flipper tooth, it is shorter and just doesn't fit well... if you look at my avt pic, you can see something is wrong w/tooth just to the right of the front teeth.

I had my wisdom teeth cut out a few years back. I was told the pain could be similar... well, I was eating Vicodine or as Ferd calls them Lortabs... they are basically the same thing. (Hydrocodone). So I totally know what you are saying about being in pain. Thanks for the prayers.
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