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Old 10-30-2009, 03:41 AM
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Salty Marketing

Since becoming a marketer, I have tried to keep up with current trends, the latest news, and what have you. Recently, I came across an article written by a Professor Don E. Schultz of Northwestern University. He was pointing out how brand marketing and methodologies must be reexamined and reinvented in today’s marketplace. He writes, Marketers don’t control enough of the brand communication to develop “market position,” and certainly not enough resources to maintain a viable position once it is in the marketplace. Today customers do that through social networks, blogs, and Twittering—tools marketers have yet to understand, much less master…how do we do that in an interactive, networked, consumer-controlled, resource-constrained world that is still reeling from over-the-top brand experiences of the past 25 years?” (Marketing Management. “Transformational Branding” Oct. 2009. pg.7).

I found this fascinating. Markets are transforming in many significant ways, but foremost is the shift of power to consumers. One of the greatest marketing concepts, “positioning,” is becoming integrated with the consumer in such a way, that the big brand companies may not enjoy such exclusive control over their constituents as they once used to.

What does this have to do with Apostolics? If I may draw a parallel, I would specifically point to the western church model and how it relates to the ever changing landscape of our culture and society. Imo, internet forums like AFF and others, blogs, and other social networking devices are transforming the concept of what it means to be a part of “God’s Kingdom.” I don’t view the church as a business, per se, but I do think the objective of evangelizing is winning souls, and to do that, we must love people. Perhaps it is more about relationships than programs. One-man potentates and church monarchies are becoming less and less relevant. Among the faithful, resources are limited, and yet, families still want to accelerate their experience with God and other believers. How can this be achieved? I think the clues are easy to see. It is revealed to us in forums such as this one. Through these mediums, there is freedom to discuss openly things that were formerly forbidden. Ideas and traditions can be challenged and proved (or disproved) against the principles of truth and morality. We can connect with each other, and communicate those things that are useful and relevant, instead of being indoctrinated and convinced of extra-biblical ideas and outdated thinking propagated by organized “brand name church” conglomerates.

What are the implications for us as “the salt of the earth?” If we are to remain salty, as Jesus instructed in Matthew 5:13, then we had better reexamine, and perhaps reinvent our methodologies of how we witness and relate the gospel message to our neighbors, friends and family. Metaphorically speaking, we must not be content sitting on the shelf as a neatly packaged box of salt. Rather, we should strive to become part of the food, integrated in such a way, intimacy and interaction is unavoidable. And we ought not lose our savor. If needs are ignored, if people are mistreated, if personal agendas become paramount, if fellow brethren are wrongly disfellowshipped, if the voices of the saints are silenced, then John 13:35 will not be fulfilled, and many will “be cast out…trodden under the foot of men.”

Salt is necessary for life. It has shaped history. If we are to be the “salt of the earth,” then let us not fail to market its life-giving qualities, or neglect the power that enables us to shape our future, and influence our world for the Master.
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Old 10-30-2009, 04:12 PM
NotforSale NotforSale is offline

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Re: Salty Marketing

Originally Posted by noeticknight View Post
Since becoming a marketer, I have tried to keep up with current trends, the latest news, and what have you. Recently, I came across an article written by a Professor Don E. Schultz of Northwestern University. He was pointing out how brand marketing and methodologies must be reexamined and reinvented in today’s marketplace. He writes, Marketers don’t control enough of the brand communication to develop “market position,” and certainly not enough resources to maintain a viable position once it is in the marketplace. Today customers do that through social networks, blogs, and Twittering—tools marketers have yet to understand, much less master…how do we do that in an interactive, networked, consumer-controlled, resource-constrained world that is still reeling from over-the-top brand experiences of the past 25 years?” (Marketing Management. “Transformational Branding” Oct. 2009. pg.7).

I found this fascinating. Markets are transforming in many significant ways, but foremost is the shift of power to consumers. One of the greatest marketing concepts, “positioning,” is becoming integrated with the consumer in such a way, that the big brand companies may not enjoy such exclusive control over their constituents as they once used to.

What does this have to do with Apostolics? If I may draw a parallel, I would specifically point to the western church model and how it relates to the ever changing landscape of our culture and society. Imo, internet forums like AFF and others, blogs, and other social networking devices are transforming the concept of what it means to be a part of “God’s Kingdom.” I don’t view the church as a business, per se, but I do think the objective of evangelizing is winning souls, and to do that, we must love people. Perhaps it is more about relationships than programs. One-man potentates and church monarchies are becoming less and less relevant. Among the faithful, resources are limited, and yet, families still want to accelerate their experience with God and other believers. How can this be achieved? I think the clues are easy to see. It is revealed to us in forums such as this one. Through these mediums, there is freedom to discuss openly things that were formerly forbidden. Ideas and traditions can be challenged and proved (or disproved) against the principles of truth and morality. We can connect with each other, and communicate those things that are useful and relevant, instead of being indoctrinated and convinced of extra-biblical ideas and outdated thinking propagated by organized “brand name church” conglomerates.

What are the implications for us as “the salt of the earth?” If we are to remain salty, as Jesus instructed in Matthew 5:13, then we had better reexamine, and perhaps reinvent our methodologies of how we witness and relate the gospel message to our neighbors, friends and family. Metaphorically speaking, we must not be content sitting on the shelf as a neatly packaged box of salt. Rather, we should strive to become part of the food, integrated in such a way, intimacy and interaction is unavoidable. And we ought not lose our savor. If needs are ignored, if people are mistreated, if personal agendas become paramount, if fellow brethren are wrongly disfellowshipped, if the voices of the saints are silenced, then John 13:35 will not be fulfilled, and many will “be cast out…trodden under the foot of men.”

Salt is necessary for life. It has shaped history. If we are to be the “salt of the earth,” then let us not fail to market its life-giving qualities, or neglect the power that enables us to shape our future, and influence our world for the Master.
Brother, this is awesome!! Our ability to research a subject has never been better. Being informed brings us out of darkness, and real Truth prevails!

Those that fear this accessibility to vital knowledge are those who seethe with the desire to control and manipulate. I've been emphatic with the Church I pastor; Seek, search, and never be afraid to question me.

In the end, the Church will rise up. People will be set free.

It's time for a jailbreak! Please, let God out!!
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Old 11-01-2009, 01:08 AM
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noeticknight noeticknight is offline
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Re: Salty Marketing

Originally Posted by NotforSale View Post
Brother, this is awesome!! Our ability to research a subject has never been better. Being informed brings us out of darkness, and real Truth prevails!

Those that fear this accessibility to vital knowledge are those who seethe with the desire to control and manipulate. I've been emphatic with the Church I pastor; Seek, search, and never be afraid to question me.

In the end, the Church will rise up. People will be set free.

It's time for a jailbreak! Please, let God out!!
And what I also discovered, from a business perspective, is that many customers don't even realize that they have the power and control in the market! That is the flip side. While we marketers are beginning to understand this reality and move forward, many businesses, companies, and managers are still able to enjoy success and some degree of control over their constituents because of their inability to recognize this.

And from the church perspective, many saints do not realize their own role and the power shift that is occurring in the "market" of the brotherhood. I find this amazing, because many ministers and traditional church leaders do! In fact, I would say that the leaders who do understand the spiritual state of affairs have already begun to head off their losses in the areas of control and tradition. Confirming this really isn't that difficult. Think of the times when certain ministers discouraged saints (secretly or openly) from attaining a higher education, which is really just a training academy to develop critical thinking skills. Would it really be profitable if saints thought critically about the structure of the church, or certain doctrines? Many standards and church policies are, by nature, devices designed to serve the needs of the organization and the corporate body, and consequently, the leadership, not the individual members.

But really, communication is the key. If access to forums like AFF and other social networks can be thwarted or stopped, life will be good for some. This is where its happening folks. When you logged in and started sharing, you effectively exercised your sovereign right to enjoy the one thing many hope you don't ever fully realize...knowledge.

Last edited by noeticknight; 11-01-2009 at 01:25 AM.
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Old 11-01-2009, 03:42 PM
NotforSale NotforSale is offline

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Re: Salty Marketing

Brother, your thoughts here sparked my message today.

I was in the automobile sales business back in 1998. I was part of this transitional stage of the consumer gaining control in the sale. For the 3 years I was there, they warned us. Be prepared for clients to come on the lot with their homework done. Customers going online to review not only new cars, but used as well, gave great power over our ability to manipulate not only the product, but the price. Put it this way, if you pay full sticker on a new auto today, ignorance you have embraced.

With the used autos, just get the VIN# and you can find the full history of that vehicle, not to mention dependabilty, warranty, and any recalls on that auto. The salesman is greatly challenged today, and for the better, bringing more ethics into an industry known for taking advatange of peoples lack of knowledge.

I also talked about the medical field. Basically, you can go to the doctor almost knowing more than the physician about your condition. Why?? One, you know what your body is saying, and two, the Internet brings endless information to the ailed. Doctors can be so overcome by seeing numerous people, leaving us feeling like they didn't really hear us. I recently did this. I went to the doctor so informed about my condition, I think he was a little thrown off. I'm sure this field as well knows, people want strait answers, and are better equipped in detecting a rushed or innacurate prognosis.

I told the Church today, you MUST educate yourself! You must KNOW! You must questions ME, and understand that people today have access to truth like never before. We as a Church must not do things like we did in the past, and we must try our best to answer those hard questions, not ignore them.

I'm also extremely surprised at the lack of response to this post. These are Deep Waters, or so I thought.

Thanks again for this powerful insight!
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Old 11-01-2009, 05:25 PM
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noeticknight noeticknight is offline
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Re: Salty Marketing

Happy to be of service to you!

Thank you for sharing these real world examples, they illustrate my point perfectly. But actually, I’m attempting to do more than make a point. I’m sharing my observations from the other side of the aisle that many Christians haven’t seemed to realize. We have instructions from our Lord to be the salt of the earth. That includes being the most effective Christian that you can possibly be. It also means taking one’s role diligently in the shaping of truth and God’s kingdom. This is generally achieved through a personal devotion to the study of the Bible, and proving doctrines that do not line up to its principles.

Are we people of purpose who genuinely love others, and want them to know a relationship with the Master? Or are we just components that make up an organization, driven by an obligation to reach out and “love” others (conditionally) in an attempt to get them to conform? Believe me, our society, especially the well informed, do not have much difficulty determining which form you belong to.

As far as responses are concerned, I don’t write to solicit them. Expressing my thoughts on here is therapeutic for me. I just enjoy clicking on the submit button, and watching them disappear into the ether.
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