We just began the Strength Team Crusade tonight. We had 2 programs at the jail for both the male and female population. I am chaplain for the Sheriff's Office. About 40 inmates responded to the altar call...a number of them in tears.
We had about 40 people respond to the evening service as well. We will have a baptismal service on Sunday night. The Strength Team will be with us every night through Sunday night and in schools during the day. These guys have BIG arms and huge hearts for the Lord.
They bent steel bars, ripped 2 phone books taped together, smashed bricks, unbent horseshoes, busted boards etc. THEN preached an awesome repentance message! I'll post more pics when I get them.
"Those who go after the "Sauls" among us often slay the Davids among us." Gene Edwards
And what do worldly antics like this have to do with the Great Commission?
I consider myself to be somewhat conservative-- and I really try to be tolerant of a lot of things that get posted here no matter which side of the fence the poster seems to be on...but sometimes it never ceases to amaze me how critical some people are.
Does it matter what method God uses to draw someone to repentance? God can use anything or anyone to reach the lost--he's looking for willing vessels that want to be used.
It's no different than using a puppet ministry to reach kids..... Reach people on a level that they will respond to.
These guys or ones like them came to my parents baptist church it was a cool display reminded me of the movie Bloodsport when the guy says "Very good but bricks don't hit back"....