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Old 09-08-2009, 01:56 PM
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Sister Alvear

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to Elders Burk and Benicasa

To Elders Benicasa and Burk

I am sorry you both feel I have in your words grossly misrepresented your position on women preachers…I agree that is very possible for I did not read the many many posts and when a sister got involved it became heart rendering to me as I am sure I misunderstood but my mind was taken back to many years ago when Brother Alvear pleaded for a missionary to go to the country of Paraguay and who volunteered to go after no man stood up was a little lady with 5 small children still at home. A lady that her husband left her when she became a believer. A term we use in Brazil for Christian.

Sister Petrolina left Brazil with her children and lived in dire poverty, building a little tabernacle with her own hands from scraps. Living in a home with no electricity, sleeping on mats on a dirt floor, cooking on old bricks outside. A home where she did not have running water or any of the necessary things of life. Many times going without, yet she won souls to the Lord. One soul became a Pastor who still lives in Paraguay( far from that area). We raised her 5 small children; today one of her sons is a faith missionary in the jungle and the other pastors several churches in northeast Brazil. Her youngest son works in the music ministry. Her daughters are married to young preachers…but Sister Petrolina never lived to see her beautiful children grow up into Gods service, she was martyred in Paraguay.

My mind went to another sister in Brazil (a preacher) that was brutally raped in a village where she was preaching but not even such a traumatic experience has silenced her lips…she preaches on…

My mind went to a little sister in Bahia that pastors’ a little church that most of all her kin folks are Branhamites, yet in the mist of laughs and persecution she has a wonderful group of people today, her husband is the head pastor but when she started out he barely was a Christian and all his folks are Branhamites.

My mind went to a little pastor lady that walks hundreds of miles each year to take the gospel to farm areas and interior places risking her life..Sister Celia…

My mind went back to another little pastor lady that did not seek the job but because of a imbalance in the brain her husband lost his mind…he was a fine pastor…she so bravely takes his place and has went through living hell, yet in the mist of so much suffering she has now started a second church in the city where she lives.

My mind goes to Sister Roas a preacher…a pastor’s wife that help the fort in the far backlands of an interior state for Pastor Jose taking care of services riding on the back of milk trucks to go to the farm lands where a church is being built today. Pastor Jose did not mind that his wife helped him, in fact, they have worked together for many years in the gospel.

Another sister's husband messed up with a church lady, yet she never missed a beat taking care of the church though her personal trials and has witnessed growth and blessings.

Brother Burt, Brother Benicasa I have never been known to fight men or disrespect men and my post meant no harm and I never dreamed you would take offence…I really meant it joking…as that is a part of my personality.

I personally know what it is to work in a leper colony for years, sleeping among the lepers and eating in their homes…change bedpans, wrap sores and preach Jesus to them…I did not have men offering to take my job…how I wished many times to have a man to help lift them, bath them, especially the men…but I did whatever was needed, including teaching them the story of Jesus.

I seldom mention this however for your knowledge I was the first white woman that ever walked into the tribe of the Xavante Indians..cannibal Indians…I stood there before completely naked men and told them the story of Jesus…Do you think that made me uncomfortable? Not only their nakness but knowing they would decide IF I would live.

Twice I had spoken in Catholic mass in Brazil telling the priest, nuns and those present the story of Jesus.

I remember many years ago in an Indian village standing in the freezing rain in far south Brazil with two other sisters and my baby…we had no place to sleep but our bus did not come to pick us up and the Indians were noted in that place for raping women…we prayed until God sent 2 drunk men that let us catch a ride in the back of an old pickup truck over slippery muddy rainy roads, not knowing if we would get back into a town where we would be safe.

I remember many times taking one of our little boys with me and getting off the long bus ride to the backlands of Bahia then hitch hiking for a ride back on to lands where the bus did not run…

I remember walking for hours with Sister Sonia drinking from ponds where the water was slimy green…just to get back into some area where He has not been named. Today Sister Sonia health is gone due to the parasites that have destroyed her body.

I baptized a trinity pastor and his wife in the Amazon jungle in a little stream at night full of alligators.

Many times in my life have I sat through witchdoctor meetings to wait until it was over to tell the witchdoctor the story of Jesus…sometimes I was severely persecuted other times the message was received with joy. One witch doctor shook a black chicken in my face and told me he was going to kill the chicken and drink its blood and I would die from the curse he would put upon me.

Do you think I have enjoyed per se going into villages where there was not even an outhouse…baths taken in creeks knowing the native men were trying to get a look at the foreigner and what food they have is horrible to say the least.

I do not agree with ladies that are brazen and bold and march to pulpits imitating men, however, in God’s eternal plan HE called and I have never lost the wonder of being a missionary.

Once again I ask the forgiveness of anyone I might have offended. And if you feel I have misrepresented you and your views I do ask forgiveness.
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Last edited by Esther; 09-08-2009 at 09:50 PM. Reason: clean up a wonderful post
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Old 09-08-2009, 03:24 PM
1Corinth2v4 1Corinth2v4 is offline

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Re: to Elders Burk and Benicasa

My goodness sister Alvear, live forever!

Just to think here in the states.....men argue about how white your dress shirt must be............or how silver a watch is.......or how women must wear panty hoses (except designer hoses, that's a sin-lol).......or what restaurant they'll be eating at after service.....and here you are in front of cannibals preaching Jesus.

Some of these so-called pastors probably couldn't live a day in your shoes.
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Old 09-08-2009, 03:27 PM
Tina Tina is offline

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Re: to Elders Burk and Benicasa

Originally Posted by 1Corinth2v4 View Post
My goodness sister Alvear, live forever!

Just to think here in the states.....men argue about how white your dress shirt must be............or how silver a watch is.......or how women must wear panty hoses (except designer hoses, that's a sin-lol).......or what restaurant they'll be eating at after service.....and here you are in front of cannibals preaching Jesus.

Some of these so-called pastors probably couldn't live a day in your shoes.
I never thought I'd see this day, but for once-- I can give one of your posts an AMEN!!
Next Level Web Designs
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Old 09-08-2009, 05:23 PM
Jason B Jason B is offline
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Re: to Elders Burk and Benicasa

Originally Posted by Sister Alvear View Post
To Elders Benicasa and Burk

I am sorry you both feel I have in your words grossly misrepresented your position on women preachers…I agree that is very possible for I did not read the many many posts and when a sister got involved it became heart rendering to me as I am sure I misunderstood but my mind was taken back to many years ago when Brother Alvear pleaded for a missionary to go to the country of Paraguay and who volunteered to go after no man stood up was a little lady with 5 small children still at home. A lady that her husband left her when she became a believer. A term we use in Brazil for Christian.
Sister Petrolina left Brazil with her children and lived in dire poverty, building a little tabernacle with her own hands from scraps. Living in a home with no electricity, sleeping on mats on a dirt floor, cooking on old bricks outside. A home where she did not have running water or any of the necessary things of life. Many times going without yet she won souls to the Lord. One soul became a Pastor who still lives in Paraguay( far from that area). We raised her 5 small children today one of her sons is a faith missionary in the jungle and the other pastors several churches in northeast Brazil. Her youngest son works in the music ministry. Her daughters are married to young preachers…but Sister Petrolina never lived to see her beautiful children grow up into Gods service she was martyred in Paraguay.

My mind went to another sister in Brazil (a preacher) that was brutally raped in a village where she was preaching but not ever such a traumatic experience has silenced her lips…she preaches on…
My mind went to a little sister in Bahia that pastors’ a little church that most of all her kin folks are Branhamites yet in the mist of laughs and persecution she has a wonderful group of people today her husband is the head pastor but when she started out he barely was a Christian and all his folks are Branhamites.
My mind went to a little pastor lady that walks hundreds of miles each year to take the gospel to farm areas and interior places risking her life..Sister Celia…
My mind went back to another little pastor lady that did not seek the job but because of a imbalance in the brain her husband lost his mind…he was a fine pastor…she so bravely takes his place and has went through a living hell yet in the mist of so much suffering she has now started a second church in the city where she lives.
My mind goes to Sister Roas a preacher…a pastor’s wife that help the fort in the far backlands of an interior state for Pastor Jose taking care of services riding on the back of milk trucks’ to go the farm lands where a church is being built today. Pastor Jose did not mind that his wife helped him in fact they have worked together for many years in the gospel.
Another sister Her husband messed up with a church lady yet she never missed a beat taking care of the church though her personal trials and has witnessed growth and blessings.

Brother Burt, Brother Benicasa I have never been known to fight men or disrespect men and my post meant no harm and I never dreamed you would take offence…I really meant it joking…as that is a part of my personality.
I personally know what it is to work in a leper colony for years, sleep among the lepers and eat in their homes…change bedpans, wrap sores and preach Jesus to them…I did not have men offering to take my job…how I wished many times to have a man to help lift them, bath them, especially the men…but I did whatever was needed including teaching them the story of Jesus.
I seldom mention this however for your knowledge I was the first white woman that ever walked into the tribe of the xavante Indians..cannibal Indians…I stood there before completely naked men and told them the story of Jesus…Do you think that made me uncomfortable? Not only their nakness but knowing they would decide IF I would live.
Twice I had spoken in Catholic mass in Brazil telling the preist ,nuns and those present the story of Jesus.
I remember many years ago in an Indian village standing in the freezing rain in far south Brazil with two other sisters and my baby…we had no place to sleep but our bus did not come to pick us up and the Indians were noted in that place for raping women…we prayed until God sent 2 drunk me that let us catch a ride in the back if an old pickup truck over slippery muddy rainy roads not knowing if we would get back into a town where we would be safe.
I remember many times taking one of our little boys with me and getting off the long bus ride to the backlands of Bahia then hitch hiking for a ride back on to lands where the bus did not run…
I remember walking for hours with Sister Sonia drinking from ponds where the water was slimy green…just to get back into some area where He has not been named. Today Sister Sonia health is gone due to the parasites that have destroyed her body.
I baptized a trinity pastor in his wife in the Amazon jungle in a little stream at night full of alligators.
Many times in my life have I sat through witchdoctor meetings to wait until it was over to tell the witchdoctor the story of Jesus…sometimes I was severely persecuted other times the message was received with joy.
One witch doctor shook a black chicken in my face and told me he was going to kill the chicken and drink its blood and I would die from the curse he would put upon me.
Do you think I have enjoyed per say going into villages where there was not even an outhouse…baths taken in creeks knowing the native men were trying to get a look at the foreigner and what food they have is horrible to say the least.
I do not agree with ladies that are brazen and bold and march to pulpits imitating men however in God’s eternal plan HE called and I have never lost the wonder of being a missionary.
Once again I ask the forgiveness of anyone I might have offended. And if you feel I have misrepresented you and your views I do ask forgiveness.
Speechless, what an amazing post. In the words of Job, I read this and "abhor myself"
"Resolved: That all men should live to the glory of God. Resolved, secondly: That whether or not anyone else does, I will." ~Jonathan Edwards

"The only man who has the right to say he is justified by grace alone is the man who has left all to follow Christ." ~Dietrich Bonheoffer, The Cost of Discipleship

"Preachers who should be fishing for men are now too often fishing for compliments from men." ~Leonard Ravenhill
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Old 09-08-2009, 07:16 PM
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Re: to Elders Burk and Benicasa

Sister Alvear, I think your life speaks for itself. Shame on anyone that would degenerate you, man or woman.
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14 KJV

He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? Micah 6:8 KJV

Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. 1 John 3:2 KJV
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Old 09-08-2009, 09:09 PM
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Re: to Elders Burk and Benicasa

Awesome, Sis. A!! You have done things that most men or women preachers wouldn't even attempt. That's why you have our respect on here.
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Old 09-08-2009, 09:13 PM
deadeye deadeye is offline

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Re: to Elders Burk and Benicasa

Originally Posted by Sister Alvear View Post
To Elders Benicasa and Burk

I am sorry you both feel I have in your words grossly misrepresented your position on women preachers…I agree that is very possible for I did not read the many many posts and when a sister got involved it became heart rendering to me as I am sure I misunderstood but my mind was taken back to many years ago when Brother Alvear pleaded for a missionary to go to the country of Paraguay and who volunteered to go after no man stood up was a little lady with 5 small children still at home. A lady that her husband left her when she became a believer. A term we use in Brazil for Christian.
Sister Petrolina left Brazil with her children and lived in dire poverty, building a little tabernacle with her own hands from scraps. Living in a home with no electricity, sleeping on mats on a dirt floor, cooking on old bricks outside. A home where she did not have running water or any of the necessary things of life. Many times going without yet she won souls to the Lord. One soul became a Pastor who still lives in Paraguay( far from that area). We raised her 5 small children today one of her sons is a faith missionary in the jungle and the other pastors several churches in northeast Brazil. Her youngest son works in the music ministry. Her daughters are married to young preachers…but Sister Petrolina never lived to see her beautiful children grow up into Gods service she was martyred in Paraguay.

My mind went to another sister in Brazil (a preacher) that was brutally raped in a village where she was preaching but not ever such a traumatic experience has silenced her lips…she preaches on…
My mind went to a little sister in Bahia that pastors’ a little church that most of all her kin folks are Branhamites yet in the mist of laughs and persecution she has a wonderful group of people today her husband is the head pastor but when she started out he barely was a Christian and all his folks are Branhamites.
My mind went to a little pastor lady that walks hundreds of miles each year to take the gospel to farm areas and interior places risking her life..Sister Celia…
My mind went back to another little pastor lady that did not seek the job but because of a imbalance in the brain her husband lost his mind…he was a fine pastor…she so bravely takes his place and has went through a living hell yet in the mist of so much suffering she has now started a second church in the city where she lives.
My mind goes to Sister Roas a preacher…a pastor’s wife that help the fort in the far backlands of an interior state for Pastor Jose taking care of services riding on the back of milk trucks’ to go the farm lands where a church is being built today. Pastor Jose did not mind that his wife helped him in fact they have worked together for many years in the gospel.
Another sister Her husband messed up with a church lady yet she never missed a beat taking care of the church though her personal trials and has witnessed growth and blessings.

Brother Burt, Brother Benicasa I have never been known to fight men or disrespect men and my post meant no harm and I never dreamed you would take offence…I really meant it joking…as that is a part of my personality.
I personally know what it is to work in a leper colony for years, sleep among the lepers and eat in their homes…change bedpans, wrap sores and preach Jesus to them…I did not have men offering to take my job…how I wished many times to have a man to help lift them, bath them, especially the men…but I did whatever was needed including teaching them the story of Jesus.
I seldom mention this however for your knowledge I was the first white woman that ever walked into the tribe of the xavante Indians..cannibal Indians…I stood there before completely naked men and told them the story of Jesus…Do you think that made me uncomfortable? Not only their nakness but knowing they would decide IF I would live.
Twice I had spoken in Catholic mass in Brazil telling the preist ,nuns and those present the story of Jesus.
I remember many years ago in an Indian village standing in the freezing rain in far south Brazil with two other sisters and my baby…we had no place to sleep but our bus did not come to pick us up and the Indians were noted in that place for raping women…we prayed until God sent 2 drunk me that let us catch a ride in the back if an old pickup truck over slippery muddy rainy roads not knowing if we would get back into a town where we would be safe.
I remember many times taking one of our little boys with me and getting off the long bus ride to the backlands of Bahia then hitch hiking for a ride back on to lands where the bus did not run…
I remember walking for hours with Sister Sonia drinking from ponds where the water was slimy green…just to get back into some area where He has not been named. Today Sister Sonia health is gone due to the parasites that have destroyed her body.
I baptized a trinity pastor in his wife in the Amazon jungle in a little stream at night full of alligators.
Many times in my life have I sat through witchdoctor meetings to wait until it was over to tell the witchdoctor the story of Jesus…sometimes I was severely persecuted other times the message was received with joy.
One witch doctor shook a black chicken in my face and told me he was going to kill the chicken and drink its blood and I would die from the curse he would put upon me.
Do you think I have enjoyed per say going into villages where there was not even an outhouse…baths taken in creeks knowing the native men were trying to get a look at the foreigner and what food they have is horrible to say the least.
I do not agree with ladies that are brazen and bold and march to pulpits imitating men however in God’s eternal plan HE called and I have never lost the wonder of being a missionary.
Once again I ask the forgiveness of anyone I might have offended. And if you feel I have misrepresented you and your views I do ask forgiveness.
Hoo booy!!!! You have got to tell some of these stories to our church when you come this month....
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Old 09-08-2009, 09:39 PM
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Re: to Elders Burk and Benicasa

Originally Posted by 1Corinth2v4 View Post
My goodness sister Alvear, live forever!

Just to think here in the states.....men argue about how white your dress shirt must be............or how silver a watch is.......or how women must wear panty hoses (except designer hoses, that's a sin-lol).......or what restaurant they'll be eating at after service.....and here you are in front of cannibals preaching Jesus.

Some of these so-called pastors probably couldn't live a day in your shoes.
I also agree with your comments.

Sis A, what a wonderful testimony of what God has done in your life.

I'll agree here with what Bro Norris taught. God prefers to use a man, but if a man won't go, he will use a woman.
"Le sens commun n'est pas si commun."
(Common sense is not so common.)

Common sense is genius dressed in working clothes.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Common sense and a sense of humor are the same thing, moving at different speeds. A sense of humor is just common sense, dancing.
William James
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Old 09-08-2009, 09:46 PM
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Re: to Elders Burk and Benicasa

Wait a minute, wait a minute! Burk and Benincasa being offended!

I don't believe it for a moment! Thick skinned and hard headed those two are!

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Old 09-08-2009, 09:51 PM
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Re: to Elders Burk and Benicasa

What an inspiration you are. I do believe God has to call someone to be able to do all you have done.
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