Windows ME was a disaster from the start. On it's first public appearance, it crashed and the programmers were unable to demonstrate its abilities.
A recent interview on radio had a mother talk about the changes in recent years concerning Christmas parties at her daughter's school. First it was called a "Christmas" party. The next year a "Holiday" party. Lastly, it was a themed party. The theme: It's all about me.
The 80's and 90's were truly the beginning of a new way of thinking, the thought of the importance of self. Many were concerned with self-enlightenment and self growth. The power of positive thinking gained renewed momentum. Some of this was good and had positive results. The backlash has been tragic.
As we progress into the 2000 millenium we have become entrenched in this line of thinking. We live in a society that is more and more interested in what benefits the individual and not the whole of humanity. This is secular humanism in its essence.
It's all about me.
Jesus died on the cross some 2000 years ago. In that time empires have died, been reborn, died and have been replaced. Many thoughts have come and gone. Different ages of enlightenment have come and gone. These have all left their imprint on the mind of man. These have seemingly destined mankind for greater things.
In the 60's, former president John F Kennedy made this statement:"Ask not what the country can do for you, but what can you do for the country". In some ways this was a guiding light for many who were groping in darkness for answers. It was a selfish time when immorality began to reach new heights. This thought seemingly squelched this line of thinking for a time.
That has been a mere 40 years, yet the thinking has come about 180 degrees.
It's all about me.
I find it interesting that the Windows ME program went down in infamy as one of the considered worst operating platforms created. Funny that it was labeled "ME", but then it is all about me, isn't it?
If that is the case, why is it that when we are so focused on self, that things in our lives fall apart? Things in our lives become unstable? It really isn't worth even trying to plug into self. It just doesn't work.
Have we as a society forgotten that it is still all about Him and what He did to save humanity from its selfishness? It is our own seflish nature that has caused our problem. We are looking for completeness.
The Bible says that we are complete in Him. That means that we need Him. That means that our steps need to be ordered by Him for He sees the end from the beginning, yet it's all about me in this day and hour.
This selfish spirit has invaded the church with a vengeance. Many are clamouring for their "rights" as church members, yea tithe paying members. "I give $XX therefore all the rest should kowtow to my desires".
I don't care how much money, time, yada-yada-yada someone gives. It doesn't give them a right to thrust some liberal agenda on the rest of us poor souls who don't have the financial clout to fight back.
With all due respect to those who have given much to further this way of truth, to those who would pollute this walk with your pernicious ways I say the LORD REBUKE YOU for your selfish agenda that furthers only you and not this truth or way of holiness that leads to righteousness.