Originally Posted by Sam
Saturday; July 25th is Sister Nona Freeman's 93rd birthday. If you would like to email her birthday greetings to Kneemail or nona.freeman@yahoo.com they will be printed off and given to her to be read by her.
There is a private party for her given by her family Saturday in Fort Worth and they will see she gets them. She is a treasure to everyone that knows her and has served her calling so faithfully.
Please don't send e-cards nor attachments. She can't open them and will not be read.
-Bless you in JESUS name!
Thank you, so much.
Sister Freeman is one of my favorite persons, My husband also loves her, he was listening to one of her messages just the other day. It was on faith, he said he really enjoys listening to her and that she is truly a lady of faith.
God Bless Sister Freeman.
And God Bless you too, Brother
Sister Helen Febus