Originally Posted by Justin
This thread stems from http://www.apostolicfriendsforum.com...t=25131&page=4
In the recent Pentecostal Herald, there's an article regarding the end of days, or end time (link: http://www.apostolicfriendsforum.com...2&d=1248308695). In the article, the writer states that the apostles thought that Jesus was returning during their life time.
In the Gospels, Jesus breathed on the Apostles to open their understanding of things. Seeing that they were also hand chosen by Jesus to convey His message, and because those verses regarding the Lords return are God inspired, they cannot be wrong due to the very nature of God. If those verses are wrong, then God was wrong when he inspired the writers to scribe those words.
What are your thought on this?
Did the apostles have everything correct except Jesus return?
If we think the Apostles were incorrect on ANY subject, WE are the ones that are incorrect!
If we think the Apostles misunderstood ANY of Jesus' teachings, WE are the ones with the misunderstanding.
If we think Jesus hid somethings to the Apostles and we today can see what was hidden to them, WE are the ones blind.
If the Apostles were wrong on ANY subject, the only way we would know that, would be in their writings (i.e. The Bible) we by default are saying the Bible is incorrect!
If we hold to a particular view, that the Apostles did not hold, and say we are right and they were wrong, once again, we are saying, "The Bible is wrong"
If the Apostles taught something we do not teach, we are wrong, If they thought something we don't think, we are wrong. PERIOD!
Let God be true, and every man a liar.
Here is a quote by an esteemed elder that if not heretical, is at the very least the highth of arrogancy.
The Apostles preached the coming of the Lord because they thought it was the last days. Two thousand years later I am preaching the coming of the Lord because it is the last days."
If any of us believe this statement, you are claiming the Bible is wrong (the Apostles own Holy Ghost inspired words), Well, YOU ARE WRONG!! (ITBO) (In the Bibles opinion)