At times I receive various phone calls from brethren seeking a word from the Lord, while going through certain difficulties. I was called a little past midnight from an individual in Texas who wanted help, but they weren't too descriptive about their situations.
During our conversation this person became irate with me! Isn't that hard to imagine?

Anyways, during this conversation God began telling me about situations this person was hiding. As I told this person what God had said, this individual broke down and began weeping.
Prior to hanging up with this individual in the early morning hours, I said there's a deep cry you must release.
Well, in the morning this person met with brethren and ministers to have church. After the service I received a phone from the individual I spoke with. This individual said when the minister took the pulpit, he began to tell everyone how God woke him up in Texas at 4:30am, around this time the individual and I had hung up (2:30am/pst). The minister the began telling everyone that God told him to change his sermon, and to entitle it, "a deep cry."
This is one of many reasons why I love the Lord. God kept me up to help this person, and after He awoke another man in the early morning hours to prepare a sermon, solely to help one struggling individual.
I'm reminded of Matt10:29, Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. The sparrow was labeled insignificant, and their lives were worth half a cent. Yet worthless to people, these sparrows are under divine care.
If God takes note to the fall of one sparrow, how much more to our knees or tears touching and/or falling on the ground?
P.S. God bless you and yours, sister Alvear. Such meekness, patience and love you display toward people. There's a storm of blessings coming your way, and your churches will soon overflow with saints.