Originally Posted by Pressing-On
Praying for you and your family, IBC!!!
Bro. IBC,
God will not put more on us than we can bear! He tells us to cast all
our cares upon Him, for He cares for us. We may not understand what
is going on but if we are looking to Him, we can just trust that He knows
and He has our best interest at heart! We must wait on Him. When
we do not know where to move, DON"T, just be still and know that He is
God. He knows when we are trusting and waiting on Him. I am not talking
about something I am not familiar with. But I have learned to trust. Trust
Him with all my heart and not try to work or figure it out on my own. We
must put full confidence in the ONE who made us. It is He that has made
us and not we ourselves. We ARE His people, the sheep of His pasture!!
May our AWESOME GOD give you the wisdom to know what to do, and
the fortitude to do it, in Jesus Name!