Originally Posted by Edward Anglin
Oh my.
The traffic on that site is gonna be huge!
LOL! I think Facebook and Twitter are safe, Edward. I found many of the quotes to be interesting.
Like when the article says:
Also, if the Holiness Article is to be preached and taught as the Affirmation clearly indicates , it would seem, that all ministers who attest to it, are to teach and preach their disapproval of their people having television sets in their homes, too.
Minister, are you actively teaching and preaching the disapproval of television sets in the homes of the church people?
I don't know many UPC preachers that preach and teach their disapproval of their members having a TV in their home. My pastor never does. Edward, does your pastor preach and teach against saints in the church owning a TV in their homes?
Oooooh, and this one
Neither does concealing television-ready devices in armoires, basements, and vacation homes remedy this situation.
I know of some preachers who have hid theirs for years. Edward, do you know of any preachers that hide their TVs?
This quote was the kicker for me
Despite these stipulations, an overwhelming amount of anecdotal evidence and the integration of technology in the 21st century seems to show that a sizable group of ministers have a television-ready device which is able to receive television programming in their home. This type of tv programming and Hollywood films and videos can now be streamed to the home of preacher or believer via internet streaming on their home computer, or even a cell phone and other tv-ready devices/sets.
Is this not a clear violation of the manual and the affirmation statement?
Looks like technology has made this whole silly debate a moot point. What do you think, Edward Anglin?