After reading the thread about Newt Gingrich I started thinking about how to some people morality and character plays a big part in politics. So tell me what you think and why you think it.
1)How important is the morality of a particular candidate to you? If there were two people running for office and the better qualified person, the person who could do the best job also was the least moral person, who would you vote for and why?
And for those of you who said you wouldn't vote for a person just because of moral and character issues:
2)Suppose you needed some surgery to save your life and the surgeon who is about to perform the surgery is not a very moral person. Would you cancel the surgery even if it might mean that you would die?
3)If you would let a skilled, experienced surgeon who has poor character operate on you and would not vote for the better qualified political candidate who has poor character, then explain why morality and character counts in #1 but not in #2.
I think you raise some great, great questions. I've asked some of my friends these same questions. I personally think that the most qualified person is deserves to the voter. That's when the country will be in best hands.
I understand the arguments about having people who are perceived to have good morals in high offices and that bringing God's blessing upon the nation. I just don't see any evidence to support that being the case. Jimmy Carter and George W. Bush were both great Christian men. I really believe that.
That high morality and charcter, however, didn't translate into the blessings of God being upon our nation.
The argument that somehow the President sets the moral tone in a country is also completely bogus. Did GWB's Presidency bring about some type of revival of higher Christian morals in this country? Of course the answer is no. Society continued to denegrate and go down morally.
I believe that the energy of the right wing Christian politcal folks has been greatly misplaced. The ONLY thing that will turn this country around morally, ethically and spirtually is what happens through and in our churches. I've always been convinced it will never come through the corruption of Washington D.C., no matter what party is in power.
In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, charity. Augustine
I think you raise some great, great questions. I've asked some of my friends these same questions. I personally think that the most qualified person is deserves to the voter. That's when the country will be in best hands.
I understand the arguments about having people who are perceived to have good morals in high offices and that bringing God's blessing upon the nation. I just don't see any evidence to support that being the case. Jimmy Carter and George W. Bush were both great Christian men. I really believe that.
That high morality and character, however, didn't translate into the blessings of God being upon our nation.
The argument that somehow the President sets the moral tone in a country is also completely bogus. Did GWB's Presidency bring about some type of revival of higher Christian morals in this country? Of course the answer is no. Society continued to denigrate and go down morally.
I believe that the energy of the right wing Christian political folks has been greatly misplaced. The ONLY thing that will turn this country around morally, ethically and spiritually is what happens through and in our churches. I've always been convinced it will never come through the corruption of Washington D.C., no matter what party is in power.