Originally Posted by bishoph
She can really SING! It is amazing how so many people with a disability have so many talents and are often never discovered because of their disability.
On another note....................Shame on the ball team.......This was our national anthem and not one of the Magic team have their hand on their chest.
Sorry....I am just a little sensitive on the whole patriotic issue...don't want to hijack the thread.
Agreed! The child CAN SING.
But your other point about needing to put your hand over your heart during the National Anthem... really?? We were never taught that. We were taught to stand at attention and give respect. It is surely OK to put your hand over your heart, but not necessary. I am curious how others learned it, because I have a friend who feels the same way as you do... that it is disrespectful NOT to put your hand over your heart. I'm just wondering what others learned. I always stand at attention with my hands held behind my back.
If I am being disrespectful, I'VE NEVER KNOWN IT!