Originally Posted by warrior
Truthfully, it doesn't matter what President Obama does or says, there will be a group who detest everything he does, even if it benefits the country and the world.
Which naturally makes us the "bad guys". You see "good" is a matter of perspective. For some the United States becoming a socialist republic is "good". the world certainly thinks so since that leads to a US that is more compatible with france and etc. They like that because it gives them more ability to intrude in our business.
Some people domestically like it because socialization lowers the bar by taking from one group of people to provide for another group of people.
I am a believer in a constitutional republic where individual freedom is sacred, personal property is just that, personal and untouchable by the government and everyone pulls their own weight. Which is, BTW, how this great nation started out.
So naturally, as a believer in individual liberty and responsibility any move towards socialism and bigger, more pervasive government is detestable. Since that is his stated agenda, yes, I find his every act and word despicable.
So, you see "good" in this case is just a matter of how you see it.
Thus I wear this particular bad guy mantle with pride and joy.