Originally Posted by Ferd
If this dont make you sick. something is wrong with you.
only 53% of Americans now believe that captialism is better than socialism.
for Adults under 30, evidently we have failed them entirely and they have been raised to be idiots. only 33% of them beleive Capitalism is better than socialism.
The rot has begun. America needs RKS to pray for a healer.
I wish all Americans could have taken the trips I took as a young person. The pro-socialism crowd would most likely change their minds quickly.
My husband and I had the opportunity to visit the former Soviet Union not too long before its collapse. When we went there, I had expected to find a country somewhat like ours but not quite as wealthy. Instead, I saw a country that was unbelievably backward and oppressed. The bathroom plumbing in the public buildings could not handle toilet paper so the toilet paper (I use the term lightly) was thrown in the trash. IT STUNK from far away.
Old women (maybe some no older than me today) swept the street with brooms made of twigs. Make shift work. Young women who were suppposed to be doing something (I don't remember their jobs) sat around and played cards.
The streets were mostly quiet but for an occasional car. (The few car owners that there were, would remove the windsheild wipers each time they left the car so that they weren't stripped from the car and sold on the black market).
The buildings were void of advertizing and looked mostly empty from the outside. However, if a line started to form anywhere; people JUMPED in as fast as they could so they might have the chance to buy something. Anything.
Our tour guide wanted to make sure we saw their magnificent subway. It was all done in marble despite the stench of the public restrooms and the despondant and despairing body language of the commuters. I saw first hand (to my great surprise) that our poorest American citizens appeared to be better off than most of the citizens of the then Soviet Union. It shocked me.
From there, we flew into East Berlin. When we finally crossed into West Berlin, I wanted to kiss the ground we walked on (really). But our joy at being free was tempered by the knowledge that just a few weeks before, another East Berlin person lost their life trying to to escape to the west side of the Berlin wall.
IN STARK CONTRAST- We visited China within the same decade. And although the poverty was obvious, there was something else going on too. The government was allowing patches of free enterprise and free market ventures. There were street vendors and goods to buy. In place of the despair we saw hope and excitement.
Among other places in China, we visited Shanghaii. We met college kids eager to talk to us so they could practice their English. They were thrilled with the direction their country was headed in. At that time, there were three sky scrapers and thousands of bicycles.
Eighteen years later, our son visited that same city and brought home video footage of his trip. I could not believe my eyes! The city was full of sky scrapers and cars. It looked like New York City!!!
If only the Obama supporters understood where the road to a command economy/socialism leads (an excellent illustration by Mr. Steinway) they wouldn't be so quick to drink the koolaid