I've been thinking about just simply convincing myself that I do believe like I used to. However, it's a revelation I am having a hard time shaking.
To move again seems asinine to me-- I just got here, I like it here, God is with me here!
Why do I have to screw things up with my crazy thinking!
At the altar when I pray for folks, I pray that the Lord confirms their salvation, "just like You did in the Bible...."
I pray, "satan you can't have this soul", "there is power in the Name of Jesus", "call on the Name of Jesus", and other such heartfelt prayers and declarations mingled with praise, worship and tongue talking. I feel strong when I pray for others.
But I get convicted when I pray, "God fill them with the Holy Ghost!" when I am really praying for God to allow them to speak in tongues. In my mind, there is a difference.
The last time I prayed that way I just removed myself from the crowd and stopped praying.
I am glad I am where I am.
I am beginning to think that I am the one who needs to change and so I pray that for myself because I want the Lord to use me, in a mightier way. I want sinners to be converted. I want backsliders to return. I want God's people to be strengthened and encouraged whenever I speak, sing, or worship.
Is there any denomination/organization whose adherents believe that there organization is dosctrinally perfect?
Couldn't I continue to thrive in the Lord in a denomination whose doctrine may be just a little flawed, in my opinion?
Or am I just setting myself up for failure in the future?
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."
You can continue to operate in an org that is doctrinally flawed because you are who you are and you know who you are. You know what you believe. Celebrate the things you believe alike and walk in wisdom in the areas you believe differently. The fact is that there is no doctrinally perfect org. There never will be.
The purpose of the ministry works within the body until we all come to unity of faith. So... even though there is not a complete unity of faith the function of the ministry is still to be at work.
What one should do is live with brethren having respect for where they are in their belief because, not so long ago, you were there also. When you see open doors to share what you feel and believe then do so. When there is no freedom in the spirit to minister in such a way then hold these revelations as precious jewels.
There is one expectation that you might watch out for though. Though you may dwell together with these brethren in unity and seek for a day that we all come to the unity of the faith.... When they find out your change in beliefs the reaction may not be the same.
If you are "found out" and ostracized then you may try once or twice to clear things up but if it looks like you are now an outsider then leave with respect and honor toward those that no longer call you a brother and go the way you find the Lord's leading.
These are precarious times.
These are times of discovery.
These are times when the relationship between you and your God are strengthened.
Walk with respect to others and in possessing truth of God never forget to operate within the parameters of the Spirit of God.
...Is there any denomination/organization whose adherents believe that there organization is dosctrinally perfect?
Couldn't I continue to thrive in the Lord in a denomination whose doctrine may be just a little flawed, in my opinion?
Or am I just setting myself up for failure in the future?
Is there any such denomination or org? You bet! Are they correct? Well, they can't all be.
So we do the best we can. I wouldn't worry too much about trying to line up with the "perfect" group, because then you are setting yourself up for failure. Just continue in what you describe. It sounds like YOU are on a good path. Others will find that path, and you will find others who are already on the same path.
It would absolutely kill me not to pray or encourage someone to ask God to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit after they had confessed belief in Christ and repented.
His banner over me is LOVE.... My soul followeth hard after thee....Love one another with a pure heart fervently. Jesus saith unto her, Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?
To be a servant of God, it will cost us our total commitment to God, and God alone. His burden must be our burden... Sis Alvear