To sum it up on what I think is the most important point...
The PCI view accepts all those who have sincerely turned to Jesus Christ in faith as being at least potentially a part of the Body of Christ. In other words, those millions of Christians that you meet every day just might be your brother and sister in Christ and should be treated accordingly.
The PAJC view is more exclusivistic and demands that the complete "3 step" process of repentance, water baptism in the name of Jesus Christ and the infilling of the Holy Ghost evidenced by speaking in other tongues, be completed.
The practical difference is that the PCI view does not purport to hold itself up as judge and arbiter over the salvation of mankind. Also, the "3 step" view has led to a number of errors. Here's just 3 of them:
1) The belief that an "
Acts 2:38 church" has always existed throughout church history. Several fraudulant and even ridiculous books and "reports" have been published over the years. Many in the "3 step" camp seem to require this fantastic manipulation of the truth in order to line themselves up with their expectations on
Matthew 16:18.
2) The belief that careful "obedience" to a script supercedes the work of Jesus Christ on the cross and the Holy Spirit in our hearts.
3) The belief that since we've got the baptismal formula correct, every other thought or whimsy is equally the "voice of God" and to be obeyed for fear of losing one's salvation.