I've been in the ministry for almost 2 decades. I have had a saint recently leave under this ministry who I have visited in the hospital, had prayed for their children, and had taught them a Bible Study and won them to the Lord. Yet, when they left they slandered me and my pastor and called us all sorts of evil names!!!
Why would someone do something like that!
Another time, the pastor or I have paid their utility bills, taken them food, and used our own money to make sure they have gas in their car! I am so very hurt and just feel sometimes like giving up the ministry!
I've been in the ministry for almost 2 decades. I have had a saint recently leave under this ministry who I have visited in the hospital, had prayed for their children, and had taught them a Bible Study and won them to the Lord. Yet, when they left they slandered me and my pastor and called us all sorts of evil names!!!
Why would someone do something like that!
Another time, the pastor or I have paid their utility bills, taken them food, and used our own money to make sure they have gas in their car! I am so very hurt and just feel sometimes like giving up the ministry!
What do you think I should do?
Talk about it ad nauseum and even add that you mortgaged your house to save theirs.
In addition, you should get out of the ministry and never return!
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
Well, I can see this is going to be another one of those saints bashing threads. :::::::sigh:::::::::
In all seriousness, preachers have one of the hardest jobs in the world. I come from a family of preachers, and as a young child I decided that I didn't want to marry one. I just couldn't handle all of the stress involved.
I've been in the ministry for almost 2 decades. I have had a saint recently leave under this ministry who I have visited in the hospital, had prayed for their children, and had taught them a Bible Study and won them to the Lord. Yet, when they left they slandered me and my pastor and called us all sorts of evil names!!!
Why would someone do something like that!
Another time, the pastor or I have paid their utility bills, taken them food, and used our own money to make sure they have gas in their car! I am so very hurt and just feel sometimes like giving up the ministry!
What do you think I should do?
When you visited me in the hospital you walked in on my colonoscopy and wanted to "just chat." After you prayed for my children they were terrified of their grandmother's parakeet for years.
For reasons I still don't understand, the "Bible Study" you taught focused on the activities of the Bounty Hunters from Star Wars® and by "winning them to the Lord" - it turns out what you really meant was "do my yardwork for life."
The reason I finally left was your "cooking skills" at the last Sunday School picnic. My brats were burnt on the outside and undercooked on the inside. The "evil name" I used was "bratWORST."
Well, I can see this is going to be another one of those saints bashing threads. :::::::sigh:::::::::
In all seriousness, preachers have one of the hardest jobs in the world. I come from a family of preachers, and as a young child I decided that I didn't want to marry one. I just couldn't handle all of the stress involved.
Me too. Well, I didn't want to marry a pastor. A minister will do just fine.