What is Obama doing to help get us out of this ressession. Name one good thing he has done in his presidencey so far. i for one have not seen anything good come from his office. all i hear about is the lies hes been telling and the way hes taking money from some places and giving it to other places. all hes done is hurt the economy more. at the rate hes going is there a chance he'll ever be helpful to this nation.
If you want to take the temperature of the economy, the stock market is exactly that. The stock market can't stomach Obama, as evidenced by it's reaction to what he says.
There has been much talk of how how he wants to redistribute the wealth. When we use those words "the wealth" it makes it seem as though it's the wealthy (and who are they really) that are being messed with, not the average guy. We better wake up and put it this way. Obama wants to take YOUR money and redistribute it as he sees fit. If you're ok with that then you might think he's helpful.
The market was already on it's way down long before Obama got into office. Obama is doing all any politician can do to help...throw money for failing banks and industries. I know many of you want them to fail so America goes under...but the rest of us don't. I think most people have no idea what the domino effect would be if the government did nothing. You think it's looking bad now... Anyway, nothing Obama does will gain him any serious consideration from his critics and the partisan hacks on the right. If the promise of over 800 billion to back up the markets can't bring a boost or at least bring a sense of stability this is a very bad sign. This is going to be a BIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGG economic meltdown. Throwing 800 billion at this is like trying to put out an inferno with a squirt gun. Folks....our generation is about to see something that hasn't been seen in American since the Great Depression. Hold on to your hats. In the end...that might be all you're going to have. Welcome to Social Darwinian Economics....the sharks are going to devour ALL the little fish.