Geesh! Can the president stop being negative for a while and finally instill a little HOPE about the future? After all it was his campaign theme. It would be nice if he tried to be a little more optimistic about the future. Every day this week the president has really talked somewhat hopelessly about the state of affairs without offering any real sense that things are going to right themselves. The result? The market has spun downward to long time lows.
He could learn a few lessons from FDR or Reagan. Both men lead our nation during some bleak times, and although they did not gloss over the present circumstances, they had an ability to invoke infectuous optimism into the American psyche. Both men helped to restore confidence in America by Americans.
Obama needs to talk up the American spirit and its ability to rise above struggles and adversity to achieve great things.
When a newspaper posed the question, "What's Wrong with the World?" G. K. Chesterton reputedly wrote a brief letter in response: "Dear Sirs: I am. Sincerely Yours, G. K. Chesterton." That is the attitude of someone who has grasped the message of Jesus.
Re: Obama Purposely Trying to Drive Down the Marke
I wouldn't be at all surprised if his doom and gloom rhetoric wasn't designed purposely to bring the market down.
And why? There's much speculation as to why. Could it be to fit in with his plan for government to become as big as possible. Socialism? Could be. I really have a hard time fathoming what's happening to Citibank and Bank of America. With the lack of transparancy involved in transfusing billions to these banks, how can we know the crisis at these banks is that bad.
I'm not convinced these big banks are as bad off as they claim. They could be, but if they are why are they afraid of sheeding some light on this largesse of taxpayer funds they are receiving?
Re: Obama Purposely Trying to Drive Down the Marke
Originally Posted by deacon blues
Geesh! Can the president stop being negative for a while and finally instill a little HOPE about the future? After all it was his campaign theme. It would be nice if he tried to be a little more optimistic about the future. Every day this week the president has really talked somewhat hopelessly about the state of affairs without offering any real sense that things are going to right themselves. The result? The market has spun downward to long time lows.
He could learn a few lessons from FDR or Reagan. Both men lead our nation during some bleak times, and although they did not gloss over the present circumstances, they had an ability to invoke infectuous optimism into the American psyche. Both men helped to restore confidence in America by Americans.
Obama needs to talk up the American spirit and its ability to rise above struggles and adversity to achieve great things.
Imagine the thought!?!? A POTUS that actually walks to the microphone and levels with the American people??
We just kicked out a President who couldn't level with the American people. You know stuff like "weapons of mass destruction" and "Mission Accomplished" and all the complete line of untruths.
Obama hasn't pulled any punches and told people that we're looking at a recovery in years not months. That's the truth according to any economist.
America will pull through this like she has every other major crisis, but there's no reason to pull punches with the public and set unrealistic expectations. We've had plenty of that in the past decade.
We're all adults and can take the truth.
In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, charity. Augustine
Re: Obama Purposely Trying to Drive Down the Marke
Originally Posted by MikeinAR
Imagine the thought!?!? A POTUS that actually walks to the microphone and levels with the American people??
We just kicked out a President who couldn't level with the American people. You know stuff like "weapons of mass destruction" and "Mission Accomplished" and all the complete line of untruths.
Obama hasn't pulled any punches and told people that we're looking at a recovery in years not months. That's the truth according to any economist.
America will pull through this like she has every other major crisis, but there's no reason to pull punches with the public and set unrealistic expectations. We've had plenty of that in the past decade.
We're all adults and can take the truth.
Interesting words about President Bush from Katie Couric, Mike.
What’s the experience of interviewing him—how was that different form interviewing Bush?
I didn’t get a chance to interview President Bush all that often. I often went to lunches that I was invited to before the State of the Union, before they announced the surge, and that was really interesting because I think President Bush felt a lot more relaxed and was a lot more facile with information and details and policy than I think probably the American people gave him credit for and were exposed to.
Re: Obama Purposely Trying to Drive Down the Marke
Originally Posted by MikeinAR
Imagine the thought!?!?
We just kicked out a President who couldn't level with the American people. You know stuff like "weapons of mass destruction" and "Mission Accomplished" and all the complete line of untruths.
weapons of mass destruction in Iraq?
Worldwide intelligence including the Clinton administration believed that.
mission accomplished?
Saddam (the other Hussein) was removed from power.
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Re: Obama Purposely Trying to Drive Down the Marke
Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson
It is completely ludicrous for anyone to think that the President of the United States of America would purposely drive down the market!!!!!
Do you all really think that our President wants America to fail, to crumble, ON HIS WATCH????
Get real!!!
Some folks will believe any and everything BAD about our current POTUS!
It would appear that way. He has spoke nothing but doom and gloom since he took power. Problem is he hasen't a clue as to what to do to make things better.
Re: Obama Purposely Trying to Drive Down the Marke
Originally Posted by SOUNWORTHY
It would appear that way. He has spoke nothing but doom and gloom since he took power. Problem is he hasen't a clue as to what to do to make things better.
Re: Obama Purposely Trying to Drive Down the Marke
Originally Posted by SOUNWORTHY
It would appear that way. He has spoke nothing but doom and gloom since he took power. Problem is he hasen't a clue as to what to do to make things better.
Tell me something GOOD about Obama.
He is closing Gitmo within a year, something Bush didn't have the courage to do. Finally, we're sending a signal to the world that the U.S. believes in granting people the right to justice.
He signed the Lilly Ledbetter law closing the gender gap in pay for women doing the exact same job, but making thousands less. The Bush adminstration refused to sign it.
He signed a bill into law that gives out over $200 billion in tax breaks to people who make under $200,000 a year.
He signed a bill into law that expands health care insurance to 4 million impoverished kids that weren't covered previously. Bush refused to do so.
Sure there have been things I disagree with him on, but let's not act like the first 31 days have been all bad.
In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, charity. Augustine