Originally Posted by U376977
I thought of that...but why would not the "fig leaves" have been sufficent? Why did they need "skins" for covering?
The word 'skin' in
Gen 3:21 could be either a person's skin or the hide of an animal. You cannot say that the bible doesnt exclude the idea that the skin was that of an animal.
Further, the context of the previous chapter, shows that Adam was formed from the "dust of the ground" Then God formed woman from Adams rib.
Adam further suggests that both he and the woman are made of Flesh and bone.
Clearly the intent of
Gen 2 is that man was not a spritual being but a physical being as well.
You cannot place the events of chapter 3 before the events of chapter 2 thus you cannot come to a conclusion that Adam and Eve were given their human/physical form when God made "skins" for them.
The implication of
Gen 3:21 is that their sin required a blood sacrifice to cover their sin.