The truth about stimulus and the Depression
Did FDR's New Deal prolong the Great Depression, as some critics of Obama's 'new New Deal' argue?
By Jia Lynn Yang, writer reporter
February 11, 2009: 6:03 AM ET
NEW YORK (Fortune) -- You often hear President Obama's stimulus plan referred to as the new New Deal. So it shouldn't come as a surprise that some critics of the stimulus aren't big fans of Franklin Roosevelt either. In fact, if you've been following the debate, you may have heard a surprising number of people put forth the notion that the New Deal actually prolonged the Great Depression.
If that doesn't sound like anything your high school history teacher taught you, you're not alone. So let's take a closer look at what the New Deal's critics are claiming.
Re: Did FDR's New Deal Prolong the Great Depressio
I would say that is pretty balanced. I think it serves are a good warning.
As i have said before, not all spending is equal and Obama's bill has a lot of bad spending in it (like more than a billion to set up some wacky healtcare scheme that can lead to government rats telling doctors how to treat sick people)
But Aquilla, my perspective of FDR comes from my grandfather who was the Senior elected democrat in the state of Louisiana when he died. He was the president of the democratic executive commettee in Beaureguard Parish from 1935 to his death in 1996.
He told me that FDR sunk the country and his policy kept us in the depression for years longer than it should have. Now I see a lot of folk agreeing with what my grandpa told me when I was a kid in highschool and was studying all of this.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
Re: Did FDR's New Deal Prolong the Great Depressio
We have always heard that FDR was right up there next to Jesus, that he "saved" this country from the Great Depression. From what I have heard, World War 2 with its increased production and reduced pool of workers is what pulled us out. In other words, less people available here to fill jobs cut down the unemployment rate.
Re: Did FDR's New Deal Prolong the Great Depressio
Originally Posted by Sam
We have always heard that FDR was right up there next to Jesus, that he "saved" this country from the Great Depression. From what I have heard, World War 2 with its increased production and reduced pool of workers is what pulled us out. In other words, less people available here to fill jobs cut down the unemployment rate.
I still consider FDR a great president because of his willingness to fight tyrany. He certainly didnt share the defeatist gene that modern liberals seem to carry.
I do believe he was a miserable failure on economics.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
Re: Did FDR's New Deal Prolong the Great Depressio
Originally Posted by Ferd
(like more than a billion to set up some wacky healtcare scheme that can lead to government rats telling doctors how to treat sick people)
Ferd, Ferd, Ferd. You must have been zonked by Rush Limbaugh or American Family Radio's jokes and conspiracy theories again.
Are you talking about the money in the stimulus set aside to make doctor's offices and clinics more efficient by allowing them the means to go paperless, thus cutting down on the reptitive forms and such?
Some of the ultra-right wingers are convinced that now the government will have access to all our health information and that pretty much it'll lead to euthinasia, non-treatment of patients, and general mass death.
That's as crazy as letting Rush Limbaugh walk through a pharmacy by himself.
In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, charity. Augustine
Re: Did FDR's New Deal Prolong the Great Depressio
Originally Posted by MikeinAR
Ferd, Ferd, Ferd. You must have been zonked by Rush Limbaugh or American Family Radio's jokes and conspiracy theories again.
Are you talking about the money in the stimulus set aside to make doctor's offices and clinics more efficient by allowing them the means to go paperless, thus cutting down on the reptitive forms and such?
Some of the ultra-right wingers are convinced that now the government will have access to all our health information and that pretty much it'll lead to euthinasia, non-treatment of patients, and general mass death.
That's as crazy as letting Rush Limbaugh walk through a pharmacy by himself.
Mike Mike Mike, I am talking about what I am talking about and what I saw in an interview with a congressman who knows the details of the bill.
his point was that this is outlined in the language of the bill, only the bill lacks any inforcement provisions.
Now one wonders why a bill would have such language if there was no intent to eventually incert inforcement provisions!
You got trippled deaked by listening to media matters or Air America or Nacy "streatch" Pelozi!
Its in there Mike. I havent listened to Rush in a long time, and I dont have a way to listen to American Family.
you sound like your using Barak Obama talking points (rules for radicals)
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!