Originally Posted by rgcraig
How long should a pastor stay at a church under these circumstances?
He's been pastor for almost a decade.
- Membership is 30.
- There is minimal compensation and he works a secular job fifty hours a week.
- The church building is an embarrassment, but paid for.
- He pays some of the church bills out of his own pocket.
- The church members are apathetic.
Is there somewhere else for him to go?
Would he be stepping down and taking a break from pastoring, or just moving on?
Would someone else be stepping in over the church if he left, or would it dissolve?
What steps has he taken to inspire the members?
What steps has he taken to inspire himself?
What is he doing to build himself up?
Working 50 hours a week is hard on it's own. Add pastoring to that mix, is he burning out? Especially with apathetic members.
Or, is his working and being unable to pour his time and energy into the church part of the apathy problem?
How long has he been at that church?
Are there any members who are not apathetic who are supporting him and the church and would be willing to take steps necessary to move in a different direction than the current apathy?
Just the first few questions that came to mind. It sounds like a rough situation all around, and I don't know enough details...