Originally Posted by Esther
Kindle: Amazon's Wireless Reading Device
Other products by Amazon.com
"This is the future of book reading. It will be everywhere." Michael Lewis, author of Moneyball and Liar's Poker.
Does anyone have this or know more about it?
It's a little handheld device with a screen and some fancy technology that makes it easy on the eyes. Costs about $350. Can download books in a flash (but of course they want money for those books).
For those who are into instant gratification, you can get the books right away. However, there's a 12-16 WEEK backorder on the Kindle right now.
But the idea that I wouldn't have a hardcopy of the book, that I might break this very expensive piece of equipment and that a lot of the books I like to read (i.e., art and quilting books with pictures) are not available on the Kindle makes it less than likely that I'm going to shell out $350 for the privilege of paying more money to download a book.
This Kindle's gonna have to come down to $59.95 before I start thinking it's a good idea. Even my BlackBerry has dual uses, displays in color to boot, and cost less than the Kindle. (Ok, so the screen is a lot smaller too.) And, believe it or not, I can get books to read on it from Mobipocket if I'm that crazy.
There really is nothing like holding a book in your hands.