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Old 01-04-2009, 10:33 AM
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How to get closer to God?

Maybe you guys can help me. I was raised in a UPCI church, and got baptized when I was 13. I have been out of church all through my teenage years, and early twenties.

God started convicting me, and I started to seek after him again at home in private. He filled me with the Holy Ghost at 2:00 in the morning in my office at home ,while my husband and my son were asleep in the bedroom, lol.

I go to church when I can, but it's hard to, considering my husband's job and other reasons. I study the bible and pray, but of course I could do it more often. I have this desire to be closer to God, and I don't know how. I don't know if Satan is planting these thoughts in my mind, but sometimes I feel like God is angry with me for some reason.

I want to talk about God all the time, but my husband has a catholic background (he fell in love with the UPCI church we attend, and God is starting to show him the truth) but my husband doesn't know much about the bible, and he gets tired of me wanting to talk about it all the time. Basically, I don't really have much guidance from anyone, and I don't know how to lean on the spirit to teach me.

I have been baptized in Jesus name, and I have the Holy Ghost with evidence of speaking in tongues, but I just don't feel saved. Have you ever felt this? Thanks!
Be content with what you have, for God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." So say with confidence, "The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid." Hebrews 13:5,6

Love is patient, love is kind, Love does not insist on its own way. Love bears all things, believes all things,
Hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.
- I Corinthians 13:4-8
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Old 01-04-2009, 11:28 AM
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Re: How to get closer to God?

Yup , like your spinning your wheels.

Got a brand new car but not a clue where to go in it.

I would suggest attending a dicipleship class or talking to your pastor about finding your call in ministry. I sounds as if God has a job for you. Pray for HIS guidance.
You can't reach the world with your talents. People are sick and tired of religious talents. People need a Holy Ghost annointed church with real fruits to reach out and touch their lives. ~ Pastor Burrell Crabtree

In fact I think that the insinuation of "hateful" Pentecostals is coming mostly from the fertile imaginations of bitter, backslidden ex Apostolics who are constantly trying to find a way to justify their actions. ~ strait shooter

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Old 01-04-2009, 11:00 PM
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Re: How to get closer to God?

Pray daily. Read the Bible daily. Take the New Testament personal. Like the things promised or commanded are for you. Be obedient from the heart. Seek fellowship with like minded people.

Do these and you will get close to God.
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Old 01-05-2009, 04:38 AM
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Re: How to get closer to God?

One main thought is try not to write a "to do" list. When you start making lists of things to do to better your walk with God, you will inevitably miss a "task" often and start feeling condemnation. That condemnation comes from yourself of course, but it can be difficult to tell which "unctions" come from which source, God or self. "To dos" quickly become a structural part of "self help" styled religion. You can't make yourself more deserving of a closer relationship with God, you just have a relationship with God or you don't.

Read when you want to know more, talk about God with mature Christians when you have questions, pray a little bit all the time. One thing I find that helps me is meditating on God's word, or on certain stories of how Jesus behaved in certain situations. I find that if I can think on these things, rather than the other things in my life, those other things start to become less important and don't crowd God out. It is easy to get your mind on yourself and your situation and off of God if you give your thoughts over to things in this world.
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Old 01-05-2009, 06:10 AM
BadgerBoysMom BadgerBoysMom is offline
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Re: How to get closer to God?

Originally Posted by kristian's_mom View Post
I go to church when I can, but it's hard to, considering my husband's job and other reasons. I study the bible and pray, but of course I could do it more often. I have this desire to be closer to God, and I don't know how. I don't know if Satan is planting these thoughts in my mind, but sometimes I feel like God is angry with me for some reason.

I want to talk about God all the time, but my husband has a catholic background (he fell in love with the UPCI church we attend, and God is starting to show him the truth) but my husband doesn't know much about the bible, and he gets tired of me wanting to talk about it all the time. Basically, I don't really have much guidance from anyone, and I don't know how to lean on the spirit to teach me.

I have been baptized in Jesus name, and I have the Holy Ghost with evidence of speaking in tongues, but I just don't feel saved. Have you ever felt this? Thanks!
I recommend finding a good bible study. I have done several by Priscilla Shirer - Discerning the voice of God and He speaks to me.

While she is not UPC - she has a very good understanding of preparing yourself to hear God. Her bible studies are pretty basic, loaded with scriptures and not alot of confusing doctrine. They seem to be written for someone who is already saved (not trying to save you...if you know what I mean)

I have found the best defense for that "voice" that tries to tell you you are not saved is the WORD. Nothing in this world can better equip you than the scriptures and DAILY communication with Him. Even if it is only for a few minutes. And don't try to put it some "formula" or format. Just talk to Him like you are building a relationship with a new found friend. Over time you will find that you recognize his leading more easily and that friendship is growing sweeter and sweeter. Make it personal to you. Don't try to walk someone elses walk! And don't be too hard on yourself.

just my two cents.
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Old 01-05-2009, 08:59 AM
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Re: How to get closer to God?

Praise The Lord! I'm glad you answered God's call.

Remember that God saved you and He will keep you. The thing about church people is that we are people......and people make mistakes. The key to walking with God is to never let go of His hand.

Wow, I like that statement so much I think it will be my new sig line.

Praying for your strength

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Old 01-05-2009, 10:51 AM
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Re: How to get closer to God?

Dont look at his commands a "to do lists". Look at them as the instructions of your Savior who loved you and gave himself for you. Be diligent about doing this.

9: Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you. Phil. 4:9

Paul ought to know. Take it from him. Do these things and THEN God will be with you.
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Old 01-07-2009, 08:47 AM
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Re: How to get closer to God?

Thanks so much everyone!
Be content with what you have, for God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." So say with confidence, "The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid." Hebrews 13:5,6

Love is patient, love is kind, Love does not insist on its own way. Love bears all things, believes all things,
Hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.
- I Corinthians 13:4-8
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Old 01-09-2009, 06:45 PM
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Re: How to get closer to God?

The Bible states that if we draw nigh unto him, he will draw nigh unto us. God inhabits the praises of his people. What I would do is to praise him. Put on some good gospel music about the cross, the Holy Ghost Power and start worshiping Jesus. Sometimes I just listen to the words of the song The Old Rugged Cross, and with my hands raise, eyes closed, not saying a word, just visualizing the Savior on the cross, and knowing he suffered for me, the tears began to flow and the river of living water starts in my stomach, and I open my mouth, and the Holy Ghost begins to speak and WOW what a service. If you want to get closer to Jesus, just praise him.
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Old 01-09-2009, 06:48 PM
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Re: How to get closer to God?

It is normal to not feel saved enough. Don't forget that our righteousness is as filthy rags!
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