Dear (Fictional character most often associated with Chritmas who allegedly hails from the North Pole and rides on an imaginary sleigh bringin gifts to children everywhere that were actually purchased by their parents
I've tried to be good this year. I really have. Just hope you weren't watching the day I hit my thumb with a hammer. I tried to be good and really think I deserve an "A" for effort. But... like in school, I'll settle for a "C".
So... here is my AFF Christmas Wish list:
I wish....
1. I could spend one hour listening to Apprehended talk about the Lord.
2. I wish Heavenly One could get her computer fixed so she can make it
to 10,000 posts.
3. I wish I could hear Michael Phelps preach. (Not the swimmer dude, the brother in Nebraska).
4. I wish I had a CD of St Mark playin the organ. (Old hymns!)
5. I wish I could be there to watch Pastor Keith baptize some people in the Pacific Ocean (that would be so cool!)
6. I wish I could write a book. (A #1 Best Seller!) I would write about Bro. and Sis Alvear.
7. I wish I had some of Cindy's fudge. (I know...its fattening. Who cares?) And Pressing Ons coffee.
8. I wish I could sit on Sis Fallas front porch and drink sweet tea and watch the Texas sun go down.
9. I wish Three steppers would quit steppin on one steppers (And visa versa).
10. I wish the UPC, the WPF, the ALJC and all Jesus Name groups would get together for one great big Campmeeting. At my house.
11. I wish we would all read Jesus' prayer in
John 17, and I wish we would all get together and pray that prayer together. And mean it.
12. I wish I could wash Bro. Epleys feet. (No, really, I wish I could).
13. I wish Bro. Raven would post more.
14. I wish we'd say
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. Luk 2:14 everyday, instead of just at Christmas.
15.. And I wish the rest of my wishes for AFF would come true.
Now...whats YOUR AFF wishes?