I am so frustrated, we heard/watched the sermon on DVD last evening in church and the lesson from the pastor was on sin. Great, fine, I agree with most of it until he got to the point of talking about the power over sin through the empowerment of the spirit.
After all Paul did NOT say, "That which I would not, that I do..."
I was frustrated because the implication was that we have some meta-physical "power" to resist sin.
We have power over sin ONLY ONLY ONLY through the Grace of God. It is the Grace of God that empowers us and makes sin less significant than it otherwise would be. It is through Grace and Grace only that we are able to please Almighty God.
Grace was not mentioned not even one single time... Rather the message was that we can bulldog our way through resisting sin. Baloney.
...and some can sit there and tell me the Apostolic church has an appropriate understanding of the Grace of God, when in reality they are terrified that if they mention it we WILL continue in sin that grace may abound and God forbid!
I can and am now willing to admit that I indeed AM the most greasy Gracer of them all!