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Old 12-08-2008, 11:12 PM
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Apostolic's Pray for Bailout With SUVs & Altar

What do you guys think about Greater Grace Temple (P.A.W.) in Detroit Michigan praying for bailout with SUV's at Altar?

Detroit Church Prays for Bailout With SUVs at Altar
Monday , December 08, 2008

With auto workers in the pews and sport-utility vehicles at the altar, one of Detroit's largest churches on Sunday offered up prayers for Congress to bail out the struggling auto industry, Reuters reported.

"We have never seen as midnight an hour as we face this week," the Rev. Charles Ellis told several thousand congregants at a rousing service at Detroit's Greater Grace Temple. "This week, lives are hanging above an abyss of uncertainty as both houses of Congress decide whether to extend a helping hand."

Local car dealerships donated three hybrid SUVs to be displayed during the service, one from each of the Big Three. A Ford Escape, Chevy Tahoe from GM and a Chrysler Aspen were parked just in front of the choir and behind the pulpit.

Ellis said he and other Detroit ministers would pray and fast until Congress voted on a bailout for Detroit's embattled automakers. He urged his congregation to do the same.

Ellis concluded the service by leading the choir with Myrna Summers’s “We’re Gonna Make It” as hundreds of worshipers who work in the automotive industry — union assemblers, executives, car salesmen — gathered six deep around the altar to have their foreheads anointed with consecrated oil, the New York Times reported.

Other Detroit-area religious leaders — including Christian, Muslim and Jewish leaders convened by Cardinal Adam Maida — have urged Congress to approve an auto aid package.

But the service dedicated to saving Motown's signature industry at Greater Grace Temple was the highest profile effort to mobilize support yet.

"Everybody can't live on Wall Street. Everybody can't live on Main Street. But all of us have lived on the side street, the working class," Ellis said. "I call it the working class because everything tells me there is no more middle class."

….and since Jesus Christ is the Almighty God, we cannot be defeated!
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Old 12-08-2008, 11:35 PM
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PraiseHymn PraiseHymn is offline
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Re: Apostolic's Pray for Bailout With SUVs & Altar

Ohhhh LORD! TR Frace has already beat me to the punch. I see this is a duplicate posting of the same topic. Forgive me all.
….and since Jesus Christ is the Almighty God, we cannot be defeated!
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