Tamor! I just went out to the shop and dragged in five tubs of Christmas decorations. I was looking for ribbon to tie around our gift basket sets at the store. Isn't it fun to see what you forgot about last year? I found a gorgeous 50 yard roll of wired gold embossed and cream ribbon - perfect for two gift boxes. I also found burgundy and gold mess ribbon for the others! Saved me a trip to town. Well, maybe not - still need green, red ribbon and a few more shrink wrap bags. Drat!
Forgot about my gold glitter feathers and my burgundy beaded tassels - tons of them. Don't know what I'm going to do with them, but I'll think of something! LOL!
My husband said, "NO tree up until after Thanksgiving!!" Wutever!!
I have to remove a huge floral arrangement in the corner where I put my tree. I walked in, looked at it and decided to wait until after Thanksgiving. LOL!