This came about regarding some discussion,why would God give a revelatory word/prophecy regarding what was to come on the earth in the near future.
Felicity in particular quizzed why God would speak about something when the prophetic text reveals the same.
This is how I responded, I think it merits it's own thread.
Amazing sometimes the dearth of scriptural understanding.
The Apostle Paul, had significant warnings that difficult times were ahead for him personally, (
Acts 20:23) , yet God sent a prophet (
Acts 21:11) to give him the same message in person, for the following reasons, 1. either to shore up his faith, 2. confirm what he was going through was pre-ordained, 3. and to let him know that God knew, sometimes that in itself is enough.
I can't explain why the Holy Spirit does what he does, but it does seem that it might fit into the reasons above why the Holy Spirit chose in a personal, real way into interrupt our church service to tell us that something was coming our way that would cause tremendous trouble, but that the church would still be triumphant regardless and to let our light shine in darkness.
Anything wrong with that, then take it up with the Holy Spirit.