Does anyone else remember the message preached many years
ago by Bro. T.F. Tenney, entitled "It's The Last Act That Crowns
The Play!" He preached it on a Harvestime Radio Broadcast.
For whatever reason, that title came to mind this morning as I was
hearing news concerning the debate tonight.
The debate tonight will not represent the "Play". It will be the
last practice" of the "Play" which will be presented in November.
real "Play" will be "Election Day". I pray GOD'S WILL be done, in
Jesus Name!
Let's not be discouraged if it "looks like" our side "lost" in this debate
Remember, it's not the "Play" but the "last practice" before
the "Play"
When I practice for a special song, the musician and I go through several
practice times.
I never "feel" I have it just right or that I have it down
completely, during practice. But I have learned that when I have done
my best in the "practice" time, there is still something I need when the time
comes for the "real " thing or time to sing. And when the time comes to sing,
HE knows that I am waiting for that which I lack within myself. He never
disappoints me!
The ANOINTING of HIS SPIRIT!! That is the differ-
ence between the "practice" and the "Crowning Act of The Play".
May God's Will be done, in Jesus Name!