Then one who had escaped came and told Abraham the Hebrew,for he dwelt by the terebinth trees of Mamre the Amorite,brother of Eschol and brother of Aner;and they were allies with Abram.
Genesis 14:13 NKJV
Here we have in the word of God the first mention of the word Hebrew, which means from Eber.SEE GEN.10 and look at the nations that descended from Noah. But the word Hebrew also means passed through or crossed over.Reminding us that Abraham passed over from one place to another to obey God's command.
In living for God there are some things we must pass over or cross through.
We must pass over popular opinion,in living for God one must submit to the Lordship of Christ thus causing one to march to the beat of a different drum than unregenerate people.
The lost do what is right in their eyes,but believers must be led by the Holy Spirit for it leads us into what is true and Holy.
What the crowd does in not always right,we must have a lifestyle different from the ungodly.
We must pass over demonational interpretations of the word of God,we must take the word of God just it is written and apply to it our lives.
We must not try to make the word of God say what we want it to say,we must rightly divide the word of God,and not believe something just because a group of people believe it,we must know what we believe and why we believe it for ourselves.
Another thing we must pass through is our own self will,when we are truly converted and have passed from death unto life,we are not our own we are bought with a price.
We must seek to please God,and not our flesh,we must endure hardness as a good solider and be concerned about the good of the kingdom of God,and not personal self interest.May we say not my will but yours be done Lord.
Are you a Hebrew are you one who passes through things in your Christian experience?
Have we left babylon and confusion to enter into the promises of the one true and The Living God,The Lord Jesus Christ ?