Chosen came by a couple of weeks ago. I think some time back he made mention that he was working right now. So he may not be available to post. Monkeyman is MIA yes
Chosen came by a couple of weeks ago. I think some time back he made mention that he was working right now. So he may not be available to post. Monkeyman is MIA yes
Thanks AG if you see chosen again tell him hello and that we look forward to hearing from him again.
I miss Monkeyman he could generally keep a light hearted attitude and make ya laugh.
I agree- I miss MM too, I also miss CC1, Mr. Steinway, and Reformed Dave, and Felicity. These members and many others added so much diversity, humor, and depth to our forum. I hope we can recruit them back soon.
Speaking of CC1 have any of the admin team talked to him? Last I heard from him his wife and gotten that drug mixup due to the wrong meds.. wondering how she is doing