I have been in the pastorate long enough to witness MANY in ministry. I have seen far too many fall and crash and burn. I have seen many who are self-proclaimed prophets etc. I really don't think anyone starts out to deceive. However, I have seen some who were downright hucksters. They prey on innocent people with pure hearts who genuinely want something from God. They take their money and give nothing in return except a token prayer or trinket.
I have also seen those who have deceived people not for their own gain but out of their own pain. I believe that God handles these situations differently. He shows both mercy or they'd be nothing but a greasy spot. But I believe that the Great Shepherd who cares for the sheep treats those who are trapped by the evil one and who really want deliverance differently than the true hucksters.
Which one is which? Well, we have people who are sure they know and are quick to call down fire from heaven to consume them. But I think God has a different view. God wants EVERYONE to make it. He delights not in punishing those who reject His advances. I have seen my share of trapped people who really wanted out and were having a hard time finding the door.
I have also seen my share of those who were quick to label and pass judgement. As I said in another thread, I'm fresh out of rocks. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. I deeply and genuinely need God's mercies every day! May God grant me and the rest of us the mercy we need to help in time of need!