Originally Posted by Steve Epley
How about posting something GOOD that happened to you in Pentecost?
Please no negatives on this thread just some good testimonies.
I got saved-healed-blessed-helped-strengthened at Pentecostal altars and services. I am a better person and on my way to Heaven because I walked through the doors of a Pentecostal church. I got the Holy Ghost at 11 it has kept me from alcohol-drugs-cigarrettes-illicit affairs-out of jail-depression.
I am happy with my past-present-future in the church. Failed in the past they restored me-have failings in the present they are praying for me-and sadly I will probably fail in the future but they will pick me up. I love Pentecost.
5th Generation Oneness Pentecostal
Recieved the Holy Ghost at the age of 7 at Pentecostal Church, baptized the same day.
Prayed through at various times at a Pentecostal Church while a teenager
Remained a Virgin all through my teens at a Pentecostal Church
Attended a Pentecostal Bible College that changed my life
Ministered and worked for a large Pentecostal Church and Organization
Traveled and preached around the world and in various parts of the Country in Pentecostal Churches
Operated in and taught others how to be used in Spiritual Gifts in Pentecostal Churches
Married my wife and dedicated all of my sons in Pentecostal Churches
Just released a son in the Gospel to be a music minister in very large Pentecostal Church in the South
There you go, Pentecost has been good to me!