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Old 08-02-2008, 07:18 AM
Rhoni Rhoni is offline
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Question Have conservatives lost their fear of God?

Pianoman asked this question on the thread addressing liberals and their fear of God, but I have a couple things to add.

Do conservatives truly believe they are the mouthpiece of God and have the right to speak for Him?

Do conservatives truly believe in the Holy Spirit at work in the life of a believer in regard to personal changes in character, places you should/should not go, things you should/should not wear, or do they think God needs a hand from them?

Do you really believe that God delivered the Jews from legalism and strict adherence to the letter of the law only to put Gentiles back into it because the Jews failed so miserably at accepting His Grace?

Do you really think that God is in those shout-down sermons that condemn others to hell for what they wear [clothesline messages]?

Just curious.

Blessings, Rhoni
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Old 08-02-2008, 07:52 AM

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Re: Have conservatives lost their fear of God?

Originally Posted by Rhoni View Post
Pianoman asked this question on the thread addressing liberals and their fear of God, but I have a couple things to add.

Do conservatives truly believe they are the mouthpiece of God and have the right to speak for Him?

Do conservatives truly believe in the Holy Spirit at work in the life of a believer in regard to personal changes in character, places you should/should not go, things you should/should not wear, or do they think God needs a hand from them?

Do you really believe that God delivered the Jews from legalism and strict adherence to the letter of the law only to put Gentiles back into it because the Jews failed so miserably at accepting His Grace?

Do you really think that God is in those shout-down sermons that condemn others to hell for what they wear [clothesline messages]?

Just curious.

Blessings, Rhoni
toss all the legalism stuff. toss all the free love stuff..

The fact is that the majority of mankind has lost their fear of God. Our respect for him is only applicable when it is convenient for us, Con Mod or Lib. We have made him a God of convenience rather than a God of sovereignty and worthy of the highest respect. This is a blight that crosses all theological and philisophical boundaries and I think the stone throwing from both sides is just a smoke screen to cover up the irreverence that we all have fallen into.
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Old 08-02-2008, 07:55 AM
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Re: Have conservatives lost their fear of God?

Originally Posted by philjones View Post
toss all the legalism stuff. toss all the free love stuff..

The fact is that the majority of mankind has lost their fear of God. Our respect for him is only applicable when it is convenient for us, Con Mod or Lib. We have made him a God of convenience rather than a God of sovereignty and worthy of the highest respect. This is a blight that crosses all theological and philisophical boundaries and I think the stone throwing from both sides is just a smoke screen to cover up the irreverence that we all have fallen into.
Excellent post, and I would totally agree.

I've pastored conservatives and liberals, and I can tell you that in many cases the attitudes are just the same. There are committed conservatives, and committed liberals - self righteous conservatives, and self righteous liberals - complacent conservatives and complacent liberals!

It's not about the length of the hair, or skirts vs. pants, its about the level of commitment.
"Many people view their relationship with God like a "color by number" picture. It's easier to let someone else define the boundaries, tell them which blanks to fill in, and what color to use than it is for them to take a blank canvas and seek inspiration from the Source in order to paint their own masterpiece"
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Old 08-02-2008, 08:02 AM

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Re: Have conservatives lost their fear of God?

Originally Posted by Michael Phelps View Post
Excellent post, and I would totally agree.

I've pastored conservatives and liberals, and I can tell you that in many cases the attitudes are just the same. There are committed conservatives, and committed liberals - self righteous conservatives, and self righteous liberals - complacent conservatives and complacent liberals!

It's not about the length of the hair, or skirts vs. pants, its about the level of commitment.
I hope you like me again... I am really sorry about offending you and others with the other post in the other thread!
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Old 08-02-2008, 08:20 AM
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Re: Have conservatives lost their fear of God?

Originally Posted by philjones View Post
toss all the legalism stuff. toss all the free love stuff..

The fact is that the majority of mankind has lost their fear of God. Our respect for him is only applicable when it is convenient for us, Con Mod or Lib. We have made him a God of convenience rather than a God of sovereignty and worthy of the highest respect. This is a blight that crosses all theological and philisophical boundaries and I think the stone throwing from both sides is just a smoke screen to cover up the irreverence that we all have fallen into.
I agree 100%!

and......our nation has lost the founding on God that we once had.
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Old 08-02-2008, 08:28 AM
Rhoni Rhoni is offline
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Lightbulb Re: Have conservatives lost their fear of God?

Originally Posted by philjones View Post
toss all the legalism stuff. toss all the free love stuff..

The fact is that the majority of mankind has lost their fear of God. Our respect for him is only applicable when it is convenient for us, Con Mod or Lib. We have made him a God of convenience rather than a God of sovereignty and worthy of the highest respect. This is a blight that crosses all theological and philisophical boundaries and I think the stone throwing from both sides is just a smoke screen to cover up the irreverence that we all have fallen into.

Finally, the whole truth of the matter. Thank you Bro. Phil.

Blessings, Rhoni
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Old 08-02-2008, 08:29 AM
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Re: Have conservatives lost their fear of God?

Several years ago, a relative and I attended a church I had been to many
times in the past. However I had not been there for a few years.

We walked in, seated ourselves, having arrived a bit early. An aquaintance of mine
who attended there came in with their spouse and upon seeing us sitting there came and greeted us, leaned over and told us, "You might want to sit over here. This is where the ultra-_____ sit! This was my introduction to the beginning of a spirit that has taken over many churches since. I believe it is a spirit of division and a house divided against itself cannot stand! A family in a home where parents are divided and the children are confused are left to the wiles of the enemy!

When the enemy comes in like a flood, there must be a "standard" raised up
against it! That Standand must be the Spirit of the LORD! God will use those
He chooses to move through to raise up that Standard, but it must be the
Spirit of the Living God in operation!
No flesh will glory in His sight!

No doubt this spirit of division has "tried" to take over every home and every
house of God! Homes make up families and families make up the churches.

Have the people of God lost their fear of GOD! The fear of the LORD is the
beginning of wisdom, knowledge and understanding. The fear of man bringeth
a snare, a trap.

May God help us all, in Jesus Name!


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Old 08-02-2008, 08:40 AM
Rhoni Rhoni is offline
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Re: Have conservatives lost their fear of God?

Originally Posted by Falla39 View Post
Several years ago, a relative and I attended a church I had been to many
times in the past. However I had not been there for a few years.

We walked in, seated ourselves, having arrived a bit early. An aquaintance of mine
who attended there came in with their spouse and upon seeing us sitting there came and greeted us, leaned over and told us, "You might want to sit over here. This is where the ultra-_____ sit! This was my introduction to the beginning of a spirit that has taken over many churches since. I believe it is a spirit of division and a house divided against itself cannot stand! A family in a home where parents are divided and the children are confused are left to the wiles of the enemy!

When the enemy comes in like a flood, there must be a "standard" raised up
against it! Have conservatives lost their fear of God?No doubt this spirit of division has "tried" to take over every home and every
house of God! Homes make up families and families make up the churches.

Have the people of God lost their fear of GOD! The fear of the LORD is the
beginning of wisdom, knowledge and understanding. The fear of man bringeth
a snare, a trap.

May God help us all, in Jesus Name!



Sis. Falla, Absolutely. I think where we err is when the 'standard' we raise up is about clothing and not about:

When the enemy comes in like a flood, there must be a "standard" raised up
against it!
That Standard must be the Spirit of the LORD! God will use those
He chooses to move through to raise up that Standard, but it must be the
Spirit of the Living God in operation! No flesh will glory in His sight!

The Standard talked about in the Bible is about who's banner we fight/go to war under. That "STANDARD" is Jehoveh Nissi...and the train of his victories fills the temple.

I agree that a house divided against itself cannot stand. We are coming to the end of the age, and instead of tearing each other down we must entertwine ourselves together like a three corded rope. Most of the people on this forum, I love and respect no matter what title they use or is used by others to describe them.

There is much diversity in the children of God. We need to embrace the things we agree on. It would appear that I am liberal, but if the truth be known...I am so conservative in doctrine that I would shock some.

Acts 2:38. Mark 16:16, and John 3: 3, 5 is what I believe in.

Blessings, Rhoni
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Old 08-02-2008, 11:17 AM
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Re: Have conservatives lost their fear of God?

Originally Posted by Rhoni View Post
Sis. Falla, Absolutely. I think where we err is when the 'standard' we raise up is about clothing and not about:

When the enemy comes in like a flood, there must be a "standard" raised up
against it! .

The Standard talked about in the Bible is about who's banner we fight/go to war under. That "STANDARD" is Jehoveh Nissi...and the train of his victories fills the temple.

I agree that a house divided against itself cannot stand. We are coming to the end of the age, and instead of tearing each other down we must entertwine ourselves together like a three corded rope. Most of the people on this forum, I love and respect no matter what title they use or is used by others to describe them.

There is much diversity in the children of God. We need to embrace the things we agree on. It would appear that I am liberal, but if the truth be known...I am so conservative in doctrine that I would shock some.

Acts 2:38. Mark 16:16, and John 3: 3, 5 is what I believe in.

Blessings, Rhoni
Sis. Rhoni,

I understand what you are saying.

But what I saw was a "divide and conquor" spirit that was bringing division
to homes and churches. And it has only intensified since then. I am speaking
of a "spirit" and it is not the "Holy Spirit". When the enemy came in like a
flood, many did not recognize or "discern" of what spirit it was. It did not
manifest itself in its fulness at first. It began to steal the blessings of the
Lord right from underneath those who would not believe it. No one could tell
them anything. They would have to learn the hard way. The way of the
transgressor is hard. Just as children who will not listen to their godly elders.
Parents, grandparents, and spiritual fathers. I have seen then, wishing that
they could go back, back to when their lives were intact, not divided and
scattered. If many could have seen the end results and wages of following
after that "spirit", they would have run so fast.

We must ALL humble ourselves under the Mighty Hand of God and He will
lift us up and restore that which the cankerworms, etc., and all the other
worms, and all the other destroyers have devoured or attempted to devour.

Sis. Rhoni, you know I love you and the words written are not to offend
at all. There are not personally addressed to you.

It just makes me so angry at the enemy and his attempted destruction of
God's heritage. There will come an end to it and God will rise up and take
over His Planet. The earth is the LORD's and the fulness thereof. God did
allow satan to put his hands on Job just long enough to make him look like
the "spirit" he was. A destroying spirit. Then God showed satan just how
much Job loved Him, even after all he went through. His testings.
Look at Saul, after he was knocked off his high horse, received a new name
and was one of the greatest men of God and wrote most of the NT letters.

Love and Blessings to all,

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Old 08-02-2008, 04:55 PM
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Re: Have conservatives lost their fear of God?

Originally Posted by Rhoni View Post
Pianoman asked this question on the thread addressing liberals and their fear of God, but I have a couple things to add.

Do conservatives truly believe they are the mouthpiece of God and have the right to speak for Him?
Sister it is by the Word of God. My wife and I study long and hard. All our friends and foes will tell you we are the first to make correction if we are doing something unscriptural. It's the swing of the pendulum that we have witnessed over the years and it cuts both ways. It hits liberals and conservatives. Cognitive Dissonance is a deadly force that affects all religions and mind sets. We (my beautiful and very lovely wife and I) want to make sure we are open and honest enough with our selves to be able to follow God and not false traditions of the ancients that have been borrowed by modern men.

Do conservatives truly believe in the Holy Spirit at work in the life of a believer in regard to personal changes in character, places you should/should not go, things you should/should not wear, or do they think God needs a hand from them?

Originally Posted by Rhoni View Post
Do you really believe that God delivered the Jews from legalism and strict adherence to the letter of the law only to put Gentiles back into it because the Jews failed so miserably at accepting His Grace?
Moral, and laws of decency haven't changed. Grace isn't a license to post on a Apostolic Christian Forum and surf porno web sites. What does it mean when Luke 1:6, that the parents of John the Baptist were blameless concerning the Law? Sister Rhoni, all is well, contrary to popular belief it was the Jews who were hypocrites that found loop holes in the Law, who Jesus and Paul came against. Jesus never blasted the poor publican who was trying to live for God. Jesus came against the religious hypocrite who were acting like they had it together. Sister, religious hypocrites rest in both camps.

Originally Posted by Rhoni View Post
Do you really think that God is in those shout-down sermons that condemn others to hell for what they wear [clothesline messages]?
Ever been to Fort Lauderdale? You don't need any special reason to give you preaching material.

Sister Rhoni, in the Roman Empire what you wore is who you were. Clothing meant everything to Romans. How a senator's wife dressed was important and how a harlot dressed showed the Empire who she was. This still remains true today. Jesus told the Pharisees that He thought they looked beautiful on the outside, but inwardly they were full of the bones of dead men. You see Sister Rhoni, Jesus wanted, as did the Romans, that the "inside" should match the "outside".

Originally Posted by Rhoni View Post
Just curious.

Blessings, Rhoni
I hope this helped.

In Jesus name

Brother Benincasa

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~Declaration of Independence
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