All right, I have had it. I need some Exorcist to come & help me out here.
The other night as I was heading out to the store before it closed and get a few things, I had a run in with a "Devil Seed!"
It was already dark out and I could see across the alley way to our neighbours car port, and I could see things crawling around, shadows.
I thought, "oh no, here we go again!"
I hoped in the car & got my stuff then came home & in my headlights running around in the alley was----"SKUNKS--BABY SKUNKS!"

Did not see mom or dad, but if there are babies there will be parents.
The whole neighbourhood stunk to high heaven of them!
I would have gunned the engine and nailed him if not for the fact, that my car would stink!
AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:reac tion
Then if that ain't bad enough, remember I told you about our mice problem?
Well I got traps & the mice ain't in them, but I haven't seen one.
Then comes the other night about 2:00 the morning, I wake up and look around then a small furry thing runs across my face!!!!
I yelled, yup a little yell.
My wife thought I was having a heart attack!
When I told it what it was, she just started to laugh!
Must be a mocking spirit got a hold of her.
Then a doubting spirit came in and almost as if the Devil whispered it to me,
"Yea, hast thou seen a mouse, maybe you dreampt it?
If there are any Exorcist nearby, I will gladly pay you to rid our house of these Skunk & Mice demons who plague us!