Hey all,
I realize I am new here, but I thought I would post this just in case any of you are interested.
My 14 year old son will be leaving on a month-long mission trip to Romania on Monday and I wanted to share an interesting story.
Last week we made loaves of Banana Bread and sold them all week long at a day camp. The beginning of the week was really slow but by Wednesday we were getting special orders and selling out. He made $200.00!
We have always impressed on our children the importance of paying tithes and so on Sunday morning, he took a twenty out of his money pouch and paid his tithe (without any prodding from us!). After church we sold more banana bread and even though he only charged $3.00 per loaf, 2 different people gave him 20.00, and someone even made a donation of $20.00 without taking any bread! he sold the rest and came away with about $80.00! It was so neat to see God's faithfulness so quickly to a teenage boy. He told my husband I guess next week I have to give 28.00, and my husband explained that he had already paid his tithe on the first 200.00...
I guess he will be starting a new movement, "Compound Tithing"
He is still about $700.00 away if anyone is interested in donating here is the info
go to
Then click "donate" *Choose “search by missionary ID”
enter my missionary number: 2447136
*You should see: John Degraffenreed –(240) 607-2897 – Waldorf, MD *Choose “continue” *Choose “I agree”
Follow the onscreen instructions for donating.
If you do this, make sure you PM me so we can send you a thank you letter.
PS I hope this is ok with the rules