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Old 06-28-2008, 07:05 PM
StMark StMark is offline
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Do you still believe in Corporal punishment?

I had to run out to the car to get something and heard
the 3 yr old screaming across the street. He was rolling on
the grass throwing a horrible temper tantrum, yelling at
his Father, making demands. It was a site to see !!!

The thing that struck me was the Father's reaction.
He just acted very docile, tried to appease the child,
reason with him,and basically let the kid act out and control
the situation.

Are many Parents today afraid of their kids?? If that was
my father or mother they would have tore by butt up
no Qs asked.

I recently talked to a parent in my church and was
astounded at their liberal views of corporal punishment.
i think they might have read too many Doc. spock books??

I'm not advocating abuse or always whippin' on a kid
for anything, I'm mostly talking about Kids who have
been allowed to take over the household by way of

your thoughts on this
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Old 06-28-2008, 07:07 PM
SDG SDG is offline

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Re: Do you still believe in Corporal punishment?

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Old 06-28-2008, 07:09 PM
StMark StMark is offline
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Re: Do you still believe in Corporal punishment?

Originally Posted by Daniel Alicea View Post

But modern liberalism is teaching that this is
abusive and punishable by law
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Old 06-28-2008, 07:39 PM
bethola bethola is offline
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Re: Do you still believe in Corporal punishment?

I am a corporal punishment parent, or, well, I WAS. My kiddos are all grown up now. I didn't abuse my children, but, there is a reason that ADULTS liked to be around my children. It took a Village.

My kids grew up knowing that if they were misbehaving in church and one of the elders corrected them and they didn't obey or God FORBID told them "You're not my mom or dad and I don't have to" it wouldn't be pretty when they got home.

Now, I can tell a child to stop running in the sanctuary and they will walk to the opposite side of the church and start running again. I've even OPENLY and LOUDLY corrected children in front of their parents to no avail, what's more....NO REACTION FROM THE PARENT! It's a little scary, if you ask me. More like the children are in charge these days.

Of course, I'm just an old fuddy duddy! LOL

Beth in KY
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Old 06-28-2008, 07:47 PM
StMark StMark is offline
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Re: Do you still believe in Corporal punishment?

Originally Posted by bethola View Post
I am a corporal punishment parent, or, well, I WAS. My kiddos are all grown up now. I didn't abuse my children, but, there is a reason that ADULTS liked to be around my children. It took a Village.

My kids grew up knowing that if they were misbehaving in church and one of the elders corrected them and they didn't obey or God FORBID told them "You're not my mom or dad and I don't have to" it wouldn't be pretty when they got home.

Now, I can tell a child to stop running in the sanctuary and they will walk to the opposite side of the church and start running again. I've even OPENLY and LOUDLY corrected children in front of their parents to no avail, what's more....NO REACTION FROM THE PARENT! It's a little scary, if you ask me. More like the children are in charge these days.

Of course, I'm just an old fuddy duddy! LOL

Beth in KY
As Adino found out ( and just posted) There are A LOT
of social liberals on this forum. It's shocking !
So don't be too surprised if you are the one who comes
under attack for your views !!!!!

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Old 06-28-2008, 07:54 PM
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Re: Do you still believe in Corporal punishment?

Originally Posted by StMark View Post
As Adino found out ( and just posted) There are A LOT
of social liberals on this forum. It's shocking !
So don't be too surprised if you are the one who comes
under attack for your views !!!!!


Attack! Attack!

If the parent can discipline their children through corporal punishment without their temper getting out of hand, I don't think it's wrong. If you lash out and react (vs discipline), then I think it has the potential to be a problem.
Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it. — André Gide

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Old 06-28-2008, 07:55 PM
Sweet Pea Sweet Pea is offline
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Re: Do you still believe in Corporal punishment?

I am a firm believer in corporal punishment - NOT "abuse" - but the board of education applied to the seat of understanding.

However, having said that.... I believe that many parents do not use corporal punishment because they fear the government and the amount of control CPS has over children and parents. I stood in the lobby of our church not long ago and heard a SIX YEAR old tell their guardian (not a parent, but a friend watching the child during service) - "stop it - the courts won't let you do that to me". Sad thing is that the adult had simply placed her hand over the child's mouth (not a heavy hand) and told him he couldn't yell out in church like that. He then began yelling "you're killing me - stop it" and then continued with the tirade of "the courts won't let you do that."

A friend proceeded to swat her young son for throwing a fit while in a department store. A stranger came up to her and threatened to call CPS right then and there.

I know of another situation where a stranger did call CPS after a parent has swatted their child for disobedience in a utility company. The stranger obtained the parent's information from the clerk at the counter. CPS showed up at the child's school to question the child regarding the incident.

These incidents are not hearsay - but situations I personally have observed or know as fact. California is in a sad state of affairs when it come to the power given to Child Protective Services and younger parents fear them.
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11
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Old 06-28-2008, 07:56 PM
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Re: Do you still believe in Corporal punishment?

Also, since my daughter is only 2, I don't have a good frame of reference yet. My intent is not to use it, but I don't have the experience to tell you whether I can pull that off. I think it's possible - I know kids who don't get spanked who are very well behaved. It may depend on the kid.
Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it. — André Gide

A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds... - Ralph Waldo Emerson
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Old 06-28-2008, 07:59 PM
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Re: Do you still believe in Corporal punishment?

Originally Posted by Sweet Pea View Post
I am a firm believer in corporal punishment - NOT "abuse" - but the board of education applied to the seat of understanding.

However, having said that.... I believe that many parents do not use corporal punishment because they fear the government and the amount of control CPS has over children and parents. I stood in the lobby of our church not long ago and heard a SIX YEAR old tell their guardian (not a parent, but a friend watching the child during service) - "stop it - the courts won't let you do that to me". Sad thing is that the adult had simply placed her hand over the child's mouth (not a heavy hand) and told him he couldn't yell out in church like that. He then began yelling "you're killing me - stop it" and then continued with the tirade of "the courts won't let you do that."

A friend proceeded to swat her young son for throwing a fit while in a department store. A stranger came up to her and threatened to call CPS right then and there.

I know of another situation where a stranger did call CPS after a parent has swatted their child for disobedience in a utility company. The stranger obtained the parent's information from the clerk at the counter. CPS showed up at the child's school to question the child regarding the incident.

These incidents are not hearsay - but situations I personally have observed or know as fact. California is in a sad state of affairs when it come to the power given to Child Protective Services and younger parents fear them.
I think there are extremes in either direction. I know people who can't control their anger and shouldn't be hitting their kids.
Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it. — André Gide

A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds... - Ralph Waldo Emerson
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Old 06-28-2008, 08:00 PM
StMark StMark is offline
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Re: Do you still believe in Corporal punishment?

Originally Posted by DerrickS View Post
Attack! Attack!

If the parent can discipline their children through corporal punishment without their temper getting out of hand, I don't think it's wrong. If you lash out and react (vs discipline), then I think it has the potential to be a problem.

I attacked whom ???
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