Harley Preacher just brought to mind an ad I saw in the recent edition of Apostolic Man. It was for the Apostolic Biker Ministry.
I immediately thought of several things, the first of which was Brother Urshan refusing to drink anything, including water out of a stemmed glass of any kind in the event his photo was taken, removing all question or contempt that he was drinking alcohol.
Brother Urshan and a Harley Davidson you say?
Based on the example I think there is a conflict here where chapping up to go Harley riding is kind of a paradox to separation from the world.
Is the purpose of the Biker ministry to convert bikers not already with
John 3:16 emblazoned on their black leather vests?
I am really curious if they are going to be able to convert the BIKER and not the Banker who rides a Harley and cause him to conform after he accepts Jesus...cough' gets the Holy Ghost?
I am wondering after said Biker gets the Holy Ghost if he would be able to retain his Bike without the trappings that go along with it?...chicks, biker bars rallys...Sturgis??
Can you imagine converting both the Biker and his woman wearing Harley Davidson tube top getting them into the Apostolic Church? I can't imagine ANY woman with her hair piled on top of her head riding a Harley and not expecting to have a horror of a nightmarish bad hair day.
Kudos to you UPC on your efforts at establishing a Biker Ministry to rival that of our Charasmatic counterparts.
Any Biker would have to rid himself of the Biker lifestyle to make sure, like Brother Urshan, he is abstaining from the appearance of evil.
I am sure after a Biker dude gets the Holy Ghost he could still ride, but I don't think we will ever have what could be referred to as an Apostolic biker chick.