Barb, the Constitution itself does not limit a president in terms. however the 22nd amendment to the constitution states that no one shall be elected to the office of president more than twice and if a person holds the office of president for 2 years of another persons term, they may only seek re-election once.
As to the point that a 2 term president (I assume Bill Clinton?) can or cannot hold the office of president, the constitution provides that the Vice Presidents main purpose is to assume the duties and resposibilities of President if a time comes when the sitting president can no longer perform the job.
thus a two term president is excluded from elegibility for the VP by virtue of his not being elegible to perform the duties of the president.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
It should also be pointed out that while most agree with my above explination of the exclusion of a two term president, serving as VP, there are some who disagree.
it is a point of constitutional debate.... however, I suspect that if it were every brought to the supreme court, the 2 term presiden would be excluded.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!