"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning." -
James 1:17
Today I stood in awe as I looked over the great work of God here in our village. These last few weeks have been weeks of preparation for our upcoming regional convention.
I went to look over what everyone was going…Bro Nilton was painting the annex to our church dining room along with Brother Daniel. Brother Barbosa was putting in the bathroom fixtures in our 4 new dorms with Brother Julio. Brother Siscero was working on the yard along with Brother Beto and some new boys from a new church.
Brother Miguel was leveling the place we are fixing to pour a slab for the bus to park on as we keep getting stuck in the red mud and it is our rainy season. Brother Cristiano was working on the decoration for convention, Sister Elevone was typing up the service schedules and Brother Marcelo was translating a Bible study for convention.
Brother Carlinhos was stuccoing a part of the dorms. Several of our brothers were hauling dirt to the little lot where the boys are going to have a place to play soccer.
Groups were practicing special songs and presentations. Everybody is so busy preparing and excitement is running high.
Sister Franscisa and her helpers on the cleaning committee were cleaning the church and SS rooms. Brother Luis and Brother Fernando were putting a special wax on our pews and pulpit. Many others are doing first one thing and then another. I am so blessed to have so many helpers.
Sister Fatima and her helpers were making up the menu for our convention meals and snacks.
Sister Rosemerie was helping at my house along with my daughter and daughter in law Marcla cooking for the folks.
Our boys were running errands and picking up material for the departments.
Sister Janet just came over to give me a pain shot. She is our church nurse. She worries so much about my health
I am so blessed to see a people so ready to work.
Our evangelism groups are opening up new services all around. We do not even know how we are going to take care of so many people that will need rides to the convention.
How did I ever manage to get so many willing helpers? There are So many willing people. I cannot answer that question except for the fact that God has moved and united our people in bonds of love to work together. We are blessed missionaries.
It takes a lifetime of loving people to get such willing responses and we plan to keep doing missionary work – as long as God gives strength.
Today, please pray for us. Pray for a missionary today. “Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you.”
2 Thessalonians 3:1
May God bless all of you who give to missions… to touch hearts, to reach souls… all for the glory of the Lord!
No, I am not worthy of such kind people that the Lord has brought into our lives...Unworthy but thankful! Sister Alvear