Originally Posted by Baron1710
I have had to say "no" to one of the recent fad songs "soldja boy" based on the lyrics not the music itself.
I'm not sure about those lyrics... I haven't run across that song in dealing with my children.
But I would also suggest that you work with less of a scenario of "no" and more of a situation where you sit down with them and look at the lyrics together and discuss with them what the lyrics say.
More often than you might imagine they will clearly see and agree with you that these aren't good words to feed your mind on. Especially when a parent has sat down with them and spoken to them person to person (as if they had an opinion that mattered).
When they see the lyrics right in front of them with you there then the knee jerk reactionary responses are less likely and reasonable dialog has a better chance of happening.
This not only makes them feel that you are speaking TO them rather than AT them but it also begins to teach them good procedures for picking out songs for themselves. As a parent it is our goal to work ourselves out of a job.
Also... please note the disclaimer that I added to my original post.